Schuylkill County court news
Divorces granted
Maria Angelica Bravo, 318 Lafayette St., Tamaqua, was granted a divorce from Michael A. Bravo, 234 Mauch Chunk St., Tamaqua. They were married Jan. 6, 1995.Darin A. Ruch was granted a divorce from Jennifer L. Ruch, both of 283 Owl Creek Road, Tamaqua. They were married April 12, 1997.Lisa Ann Evans. Nanticoke, was granted a divorce from Shane Evans, 243 W. Broad St., Tamaqua. They were married April 2, 2012.Jennifer Kruss, Palo Alto, was granted a divorce from John Kruss, Marlin, Norwegian Township. They were married Sept. 8, 2001.Megan Lewis was granted a divorce from Jarrod Lewis, both of Muir, Porter Township. They were married Jan. 22, 2010.Rebecca Mather Pike, Winchester, Va., was granted a divorce from Todd Michael Pike, Tremont. They were married Sept. 3, 2010.File for divorceBrian M. Mogish, 93 Grier Avenue, Barnesville, filed suit for divorce from April Mogish, 1605 Centre St., Ashland. They were married May 27, 2008.Cynthia L. Finn, 307 Roger St., New Ringgold, started a divorce action against Thomas J. Finn, 17 N. Lehigh St., Frackville. They were married Aug. 12, 2006.Mortgage foreclosuresAmerican Residential Equities, LLC, Denver, Colo., filed suit against Willard S. Bernheisel II, of 59 Ryan Avenue, Tamaqua R.D., and Leroy W. and Doris M. Brewiner, 24 Retreat Road, New Ringgold, alleging they have defaulted on mortgage payments and seek a judgment of $59,679.50 on principal owed plus interest and costs and foreclosure on the property at 24 Retreat Road, New Ringgold.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., filed suit against Mabel M. Hill, also known as Linda Conrad, 2990 Summer Vallley Road, New Ringgold, alleging she has defaulted on mortgage payments and seek a judgement of $59,405.15 on the principal owed plus interest and costs and foreclosure.Everbank, Jacksonville, Fla., filed suit against Stephanie J. Anthony and Paula D. Anthony, 31 E. Phillip St., Coaldale, alleging they had defaulted mortgage payment on their property and seeks a jiudgement of $66,276.91 on the principal owed plus interest and cost and foreclosure.