Published August 17. 2013 09:04AM
On Labor Day, Monday, September 2 from noon 'til 8 pm, a dedicated bunch of knuckleheads will work tirelessly to raise money for the Carbon/Tamaqua unit of the American Cancer Society at Zoostock 2013 on the grounds of The Sports Zoo in Lansford.This letter is to highlight some one that works just as hard, if not harder, than most volunteers. Her name is Haylie Gilbert.Haylie is currently growing her beautiful head of hair to donate, for the second time, to Locks Of Love. Haylie helped the Black Diamond Parrothead/Sports Zoo folks answer the phones at the ACS telethon in April. Haylie is currently spearheading an idea she had where you pledge a certain dollar amount for every passing touchdown and interception for a PA high school team of your choice to be donated to the ACS.I'm sure Haylie will also be at Zoostock 2013 all day doing whatever she can.You may say Well isn't that nice, but the amazing part to me is that Haylie is only 9 years old.Let's all join Haylie by contacting me at The Sports Zoo and giving of your time or your bucks so we can stop this terrible disease. People often give of their time or money AFTER some loved one or someone they know has died or is fighting cancer.Take a hint from Haylie and start helping so they don't get it in the first place.Signed:One Of Haylie's Helpers,Jesse HilesLansford