Lehighton news
Free community dinner
All Saints Episcopal Church, 301 N. Second St., Lehighton, will host a free community dinner from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15. The menu is chicken Parmesan with noodles and watermelon for dessert. All are welcome.For additional information, call (610) 377-2675.Kick-A-Thon benefits DCTStudents at Mountain Karate Academy will be "Kicking for the Kids" from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, at Carbon Plaza Mall. The event, which includes, forms and individual performances, will benefit Dream Come True, Blue Ridge Chapter.The event is being coordinated by Rich and Sharyl Maglionico.There will also be a Chinese auction, bake sale and refreshments available.Dream Come True fulfills dreams of children who are terminally, seriously and chronically ill between the ages of 4 and 17.The Blue Ridge Chapter is responsible for fulfilling dreams in Carbon County and surrounding communities.Lehighton AMVETSLehighton AMVETS, Elwood Miller Post 106, will meet Saturday, Aug. 17, at Glenn Troutman's grove, 384 Ben Salem Road, Lehighton, for the annual picnic meeting. Doors open at noon with the meeting to begin at 2 p.m.Rally in the ValleyChrist Evangelical Free Church, 2420 Blakeslee Blvd. Drive West, Lehighton, will hold "Rally in the Valley," from 2 to 9 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17, at the church.The event is for youths ages seventh grade through 12th grade. This event is free. There is a live band, guest speaker, drama, free food, games and activities. The event will be held rain or shine.The church is located miles west of Normal Square on Route 443.For additional information call Keith at (484) 464-8307.Lehighton Bible ChurchMembers of Lehighton Bible Church will be holding a hymn sing on Thursday, Aug. 15, at Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Mahoning Valley.The church will hold combined services with the Rev. Mike Marcheskie and the Shamokin Bible Church at Lehighton Bible Church at 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 25. A luncheon following the morning service. Remainder of the day will be at the Lehighton Orioles including a 6:30 p.m. service.On Saturday, Sept. 7, there will be a corn roast at Mauch Chunk Lake Park, Jim Thorpe.Trinity happeningsTrinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. 3rd St., Lehighton, will hold 13th Sunday after Pentecost worship with Holy Communion at its 9 a.m. services. The church is air-conditioned. The Rev. Richard Hinkle presides. Coffeehouse fellowship followsThe 2013 ELCA assembly "Always Being Made New" is continuing in Pittsburgh through Saturday. You can follow along via live stream of the plenary sessions and worship services at http:/www.elca.org/assembly. A key action will be the election of an ELCA Presiding Bishop.Looking ahead at Trinity is the return of weekly Sunday School for ages 3 through grade 12. Rally Day, Sept. 8, 10:15 a.m., activities include songs from Vacation Bible School, overview of new curriculum for students, and fourth graders will receive their own personal Bibles. Parents are welcome to attend.GriefShare beginningSt. John's Lutheran Church of Mahoning Valley is hosting "GriefShare," a free weekly grief support group and seminar, on Mondays at 6:30 p.m., starting Aug. 19."GriefShare" features video from prominent Christian experts on grieving, and caring conversation with people who understand your thoughts and feelings, whether your loss is recent or long ago.To find out more, call St. John's at (570) 386-9960.Beltzville LionsBeltzville Lions will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 26, at St. Peter and Paul Church.