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Bail hearings held in Schuylkill Court

Bail hearings were held by President Judge William E. Baldwin in Schuylkill County court for 10 defendants facing criminal charges.

Sarah Elizabeth Harring, 35, Tremont, who previously was in the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) probation program, which was revoked for violating its rules, had her bail modified with the condition she must reside at 529 E. Main St., Hegins. Harring faces a charge filed by Trooper Timothy J. Rymarkiewicz of retail theft from Boscov's Store, Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville.Jennifer Lynn Allen, 41, Wilkes-Barre, was granted bail and must reside at 241 Stanton St., Wilkes-Barre. Allen was charged by Pottsville Patrolman Grant F. Yoder, with two counts each of identity theft and unlawful use of cell phone of Carl Berger, 75, and one count each of forgery and criminal use of cell phone.Jamie Bauder, 42, Shenandoah, had his bail modified to $3,000 percentage cash with the condition he have no contact with the victim. Bauder was charged by Shenandoah Officer George Caroda, with burglary, criminal trespass, theft, and receiving stolen property.Andrew Kovalcik, 29, Frackville, had his bail modified to $15,000 percentage cash with condition that he live with his father at 12 Judy Lane, Frackville. Kovalcik was charged by Frackville Officer Clayton Byron, with aggravated and simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, and public drunkenness.