Despite threatening skies, Carbon County Fair has good attendance; held through Saturday
Under threatening skies, the Carbon County Fair had a fair amount of visitors on Wednesday night, the second day of the five day venue.
The fair opened on Tuesday and will continue through Saturday. The fairground is located on Little Gap Road in Palmerton.Bob Silliman, president, said despite the weather, there were a lot of people on the midways on Wednesday."We had a very busy opening night last night," he said. "It was better than last year. People came out early and stayed for the fireworks. In all, I'm pleased with the attendance."Upon entering the fairgrounds on Wednesday, visitors senses were awakened to the sounds and smells of a great county fair in progress.There were happy children yelling on the rides, the sounds Real Diamond on the main stage, animals noting their presense and last night there also the roar of engines as the first of the three demolition derbies for the week was taking place in the arena.With the heavenly smell of food wafting in the open air, visitors who weren't hungry developed an appetite just from smelling the food.Many of the food stands at the Carbon County Fair are manned by local Lions and Lioness Clubs who are integral to the running of the fair itself or local church groups.Outside food vendors also bring great tasting fare to the fair, such as Bucky's Bistro, which features a taco salad to die for, topped off with cheese cake and located only a few feet away the entertainment tent where the main acts perform.Approximately 1,000 of the visitors packed the arena last night to watch the figure 8 demolition race. The announcer, Peter Knappenberger, kept the crowd informed to the action taking place during the two heats and feature race.He pointed out that one driver was going the wrong way, which brought laughter and that another driver was running into the other. The thick mud caused by the earlier rain shower made this event even more entertaining as the drivers tried to maintain control of their banged up cars.Taking first place in last night's demolition derby was Darin George of Palmerton; second place, Brian Kunkel of Germansville; and tied for third place, Derek George and Earl Paules, both of Palmerton.Heat winners were, first heat, Trevor Borger, first; Darin George, second; and Rodney Stroh, third; and in the second heat, Carl Altemose, first; Josh Fermato, second; and Bob Snyder, Palmerton, third.Meanwhile, while all that action was taking place throughout the fairgrounds, Megan and Katie Aaron of Franklin Township were visiting with Buster the Clown who made them balloon hats which perched on their heads.Visitors also won't want to miss seeing the many displays at the fair. Local artists displayed their paintings and photography, craft items, quilts, canned foods, baked items, flowers, wine, agricultural items and clothing for all to see.With all that the fair offers, how can anyone limit their visit to one day to see it all.Tonight on stage will be "The Doctor Layne Roberts" at 5 p.m. and at 7 and 9 p.m., The Fabulous Hubcaps will be on stage. Also there will be a Demolition Derby featuring compact cars and school buses at 7 p.m.