Published July 17. 2013 05:03PM
Each July the Kibler Schoolhouse on Pohopoco Drive in Towamensing Township holds three programs. The Palmerton Area Historical Society was told about this year's programs at its July 8 meeting.
The July 11 meeting was "How Much is it Worth" by Carol O'Brian with sources to determine the value of objects.On July 25 Peter Kern will talk about the connection between Palmerton and the New Jersey Zinc Company.On July 28 Gordon Parry will talk about the canal system.The program in the school is followed by a social time under the trees.The S.S. Palmer watch sold at Christy's Auction House for $2.25 million. Bids were coming in by phone and consequently no one knows who provided the watch for the auction or where it went. Kern was given a front-row seat for the auction. The auction book is available for viewing at the Heritage Center.Kern, Betsy Burnhauser and George Ashman attended the designation of Palmerton as the first company town to be designated as a Historic District.New flags will be purchased for the poles in town. Suggestions for the design are needed.The theme for the ecumenical service at the Little White Church will be "angels" by Richard Wilcox.The Burnhausers, Betsy and Jim, are retiring from the board of directors. Nominations are needed for replacements. Revised bylaws will be in the October newsletter. They should be read before the next meeting. A program coordinator is also needed.Pany and Lentz will do the design work for the Little White Church. Frank Lesher will do the actual work. One definite need is a new beam in the basement.The program for the evening was the third in a video series about the first ladies and brought it up to the 20th century.The members' picnic will be held Aug. 12 at the Bert Holczman farm in East Penn Township. A swimming pool is available.