Published July 16. 2013 05:03PM
Weissport Council voted to adopt a parking ordinance on Monday night that allows a school to have designated parking hours for four parking spaces in front of the school.
The school requested that the four spaces be reserved for school traffic between the hours of 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, including summer months.Council tabled opening bids for roadway seal coat.Council members reviewed the traffic flow plans for PennDOT that will be in place during the McCall bridge reconstruction. Two lanes of traffic will flow through Weissport one-way during the duration of the summer of 2014.There will be no stop sign at the intersection of Canal Street and Main Road for traffic entering Weissport from Route 248, but there will be a stop sign on Canal Street and Main Road.Council members also discussed the missing key issue that plagued borough workers two weeks ago when someone took keys belonging to the dump truck and borough police car and hid them.Tim Rehrig, council member said that there should be spare keys in the borough office to prevent another incident.Two weeks ago, someone cut three wires on the lawn mower and hid the keys to the dump truck and police car.Council member Arland Moyer changed the locks and later the keys were discovered hidden inside the building.