Eldred Township residents voice concerns of Walter Mock Park
There were two objectors at a hearing of the Eldred Township board of supervisors in regard to steep slope conditions on a portion of the proposed Walter Mock Park land development plan.
Richard Zilmer and his wife, Laurie Zilmer voiced concerns about erosion from the property after construction of the parking lot occurs. Their property is downhill of the proposed site. Zilmer asked the engineer, Randall Wright, if he was aware of any erosion in his driveway. Wright said yes.Zilmer asked why the steep slope was at 25 percent and if it was environmental. Wright said it usually starts at 25 percent."You're not concerned there would be spillage of erosion on Church Road?" Zilmer asked, given that there is an erosion problem."No," Wright said."If erosion does continue, will the township be responsible for it?" Zilmer asked."If construction causes erosion issues, the township should have to address it," Wright replied.Zilmer asked Wright where the nearest wetland was in relation to the project and Wright said that it was quite a distance away. He then asked if Wright was satisfied those wetlands would not be affected and Wright said he was.Zilmer asked when the projected timeline was to begin and was told it would possibly be this fall and no later than next spring.Zilmer concluded by telling the board that he remained an objector. He said he believed the project was going to be a conservation issue and there will be erosion problems.Laurie Zilmer asked Wright if he had gone outside the area of the proposed park to determine if there was any erosion."Did you come on 196 Church Road?" she asked."No," he said.Art Bender of 204 Church Road asked Wright when they cut the road in for the park, how deep will they cut into the bank. He wondered how it would effect the traffic's sight distance. Wright said that the sight distance will be available."We have it graded to local street level," he said.Robert Nichols of Wes Flo Court asked what the speed limit was on Church Road. He was told that it was 55 mph since it wasn't a posted road.Laurie Zilmer asked where on the plans does it show where restrooms are. Wright said there are non showing. There may be only portapotties on the site.Cerina Bender stated she has seen driveways that weren't as steep as this proposed one and has seen runoff."I believe there will be a problem," she said.Art Bender asked how deep will they be cutting into the embankment and was told six to eight feet.With no other comments, the hearing was concluded.