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Woman given prison term for access device fraud

A Carbon County woman was sentenced to a county prison term on Tuesday after pleading guilty to a criminal conspiracy - access device fraud.

She was one of seven defendants in pending criminal cases to enter pleas before Judge Joseph J. Matika.Credit card theftMary Louise Meixell-Moyer, 57, of Weatherly, pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy-access device fraud, as a felony three.She was charged by Weatherly police with using a credit card belonging to Joan Chambers without her permission.Police said Meixell-Moyer and the victim lived in the same apartment building at 1500 Evergreen Avenue. Meixell-Moyer received a credit card addressed to Chambers, who resided in an apartment across from her, by mistake. She never gave the card to Chambers, but instead used it at Boscov's Department store.Chambers was present in court and asked Matika to make the defendant "accountable for what she did." She said all that Meixell-Moyer had to do was walk across the hall and slip the card under her door.Meixell-Moyer said she was sorry for what she did and asked Chambers to forgive her. She said she did not know Chambers, only that she resided across the hall from her.Matika sentenced Meixell-Moyer, who has a prior criminal record, to serve four to 18 months in prison on the charge. She was also ordered to make restitution to the credit card company of $823.47, supply a DNA sample, and have no contact with the victim.She was given credit for 15 days spent in jail on the charge and began the jail term immediately.Enters two pleasMarco Baker, 27, of Lansford, entered pleas in two pending cases.Baker pleaded to one count of criminal conspiracy-burglary for an incident on Feb. 29 at 17 N. Walnut St., Lansford. He also pleaded to one count each of receiving stolen property and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested for an incident on June 2, 2012, by Lansford police along W. Bertsch St.Baker had previously pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of a controlled substance for an incident on May 11, 2012, at Oak and Hazard sts., in Summit Hill.Baker, who has been in custody since his arrest on the Lansford cases, asked sentencing be deferred so he could apply for placement in the state's Intermediate Punishment Program (IPP). Matika deferred sentencing and ordered Baker be transferred to a state facility for evaluation for the IPP.Other pleasOther defendants who entered pleas included:John Jeffrey Vanak, 57, of Lansford, pleaded to one count each of persistent disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, and summary offense of driving on a sidewalk.He was arrested for an incident on Feb. 9 at 37 Centre St., in Lansford. He drove his car onto the sidewalk and damaged the property of Ronald Hood, his neighbor, who he was having a ongoing dispute, it was noted.Vanak told the court he has mental health issues and was off his medication the day of the incident. He apologized for what happened.On the persistent disorderly conduct charge he was placed on probation for a year and ordered to render 50 hours of community service, and get a mental health evaluation. On the mischief count the same term was imposed, concurrent, and he was ordered to make total restitution of $5,665.78 for damages. On the summary offense he was fined $25.Michael Edward Hornbeck, 47, of Tamaqua, formerly of Bowmanstown, pleaded to two counts of harassment, as summary offenses.He was arrested on Oct. 15, 2012, by Palmerton police for an incident at the residence of Judith Hatesaul, 326 Lehigh Ave., his ex-girlfriend. A loitering and prowling at night charge was dropped in a plea bargain.Matika placed him on probation for three months on each count, consecutive, and ordered he have no contact with Hatesaul.Jesse Roth, 21, of Lansford, pleaded guilty to one count of harassment, as a summary offense. A charge of simple assault was dropped in a plea agreement.He was arrested for an incident on Dec. 8, 2012, by Lansford police involving Katie Atkinson, 219 E. Ridge St., who he was living with at the time.Matika imposed a fine of $300.George E. Kulkusky, 45, of Audenreid, pleaded to one count each of simple assault and possession of drug paraphernalia.He was by Weatherly police for an incident on May 17 at 120 Wilbur St., involving Tracy McAloose as the victim. Kulkusky admitted assaulting McAloose, his girlfriend at the time, which required her going to a hospital for treatment. It was noted that McAloose did not want to pursue the charges. While being arrested police found drug paraphernalia including crack cocaine.Sentencing was deferred until the adult probation office can determined the amount of restitution due in the case.Jessica Mongi, 26, of Jim Thorpe, pleaded to one count of persistent disorderly conduct, and three summary offenses of disorderly conduct, harassment, and public drunkenness.She was arrested for an incident on May 27 by Summit Hill police in the area of 45 W. Vernon St. Her mother, Maria Mongi, was listed as a victim. A charge of terroristic threats was dropped in a plea bargain.On the persistent disorderly conduct charge she was placed on probation for a year and ordered to get a drug and alcohol (D&A) evaluation, attend anger management counseling, and render 50 hours of community service.On the three summary offenses she was fined a total of $75.Each defendant sentenced must also pay court costs, which average close to $1,000, and pay a $50 per month supervision fee while on probation or parole.