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Tamaqua Scouts pack items for troops

Scouts, leaders, and parents with the Tamaqua Boy and Cub Scouts spent time recently packing items to be sent to troops serving overseas. Organizers said the packages will go to Army Speciailist Glenn Laninger's unit. Laninger serves with a number local police departments. They added their appreciation to the Bears Head Sportsman Association for providing shipping costs for the project. Participants include, front l-r, Kim Steigerwalt, Alex Steigerwalt, Courtney Miller, Brad McAloose, Aidan Bonner, Janice Boehner, Isaac Miller, Annabelle McAloose; back l-r, assistant Scoutmaster Kevin Steigerwalt, patrol leader Conner Veglia, assistant patrol leader Nathan Steigerwalt, Scoutmaster Scott Winterburn and Mike Berezwick.