Schuylkill Township residents to pay lower garbage fees in 2014
Schuylkill Township has negotiated a new garbage contract for the upcoming year which will result in a reduction of garbage fees for residents.
The two year contract was awarded to Kreitzer sanitation and will allow residents to put out three bags of garbage per week, as well as an additional large item.Supervisors said that each of them had surveyed the garbage put out in all of the areas of the township over the last few weeks, and the most bags that were put out by a resident was three, with most houses having only one bag out.Chairman Linda DeCindio said that the company would work with residents during busier times of the year, like Christmas, when more garbage may be generated.Next year's garbage bill will drop from $210 annually to $185.Supervisors also voted to advertise a quality of life ordinance, similar to ones recently enacted by Tamaqua and other surrounding municipalities.The ordinance will allow a code enforcement officer or the township's police to write citations for nuisance items, like tall grass and weeds, dog feces, putting garbage out too soon, or not taking garbage cans back in, and using inside furniture outside.The ordinance is aimed at getting a quicker remedy to these problems than following the process through code enforcement which may take months. The township is also going to advertise for a code enforcement officer to work on an hourly basis.Township secretary Mary Bubel noted that as of July 4th, any garbage bills that have not been paid are late and there is no way to avoid the late fee. She said there are approximately 100 unpaid bills at this time.Supervisors asked residents to report any suspicious or suspected drug related activities to the Schuylkill County Drug Task Force hotline. The number is 1(800)832-3313 and all calls are anonymous.They also reminded residents that permits are required for swimming pool installations. DeCindio said that there have been numerous complaints about pools installed with no permit. Anyone wishing to install a pool must call for a permit.Supervisors and residents also noted that the new police officer Jennifer Dempsey is doing an exceptional job and commended her on the number of citations and tickets she has issued over the last month. The audience applauded following the reading of Dempsey's report for the month.