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Dotters Corner Road culvert project had water issues

At the Polk Township board of supervisors' meeting on June 24, Russell Kresge, township engineer, said the first footing for the Dotters Corner Road culvert project was to be poured June 25. There were some unforeseen issues that involved excessive water flow that was not able to be controlled as originally planned due to the deteriorated pipe at the site.

Change Order 1 was replaced by Change Order 1A and allows for additional pumps, hoses, and fuel to dewater the excavation area at a cost of $8,216.75 per week. Change Order 2 involves a cost of $520 for additional materials needed to build sand bag bulkheads and PVC liners/boots associated with a 42-inch pipe liner in order to also help with the control of the excessive water issue.Kresge advised the board that it should authorize someone to be able to approve any unforeseen costs up to 10 percent above costs before a supervisors' meeting. The board appointed Ahner, since he is the roadmaster.Kresge said the good news is the additional costs are still covered from the grant money received for the project, so there is no additional cost to the township.Brian Ahner, Polk Township supervisor chairman/roadmaster reported:• the road crew had eight trees removed from the culvert project site at a cost to the township of $750.• paved Meriwill Lane and Long Acre Drive.• the road crew is mowing and spraying weedsThe Polk Township Volunteer Fire Co. responded to five emergency calls in the month of June.Fire Chief Billy Tippet said that the fire company's siren is now timed to not go off during the hours between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.Resident John Jennings said he lives next door to the fire house and wondered if they couldn't set the timer for it to not go off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and if the amount of time the siren goes off could be shortened."I don't think it's necessary to begin with," he said.Tippet said that there are still some members who rely on the siren, but he would take the requests back to the fire company's board.Gerald Zurat, zoning/ codes officer reported that for the month of June, the township issued 33 permits, of which seven are pending Certificates of Occupancy; did 19 inspections; one new home permit with four permits pending; received five complaints.The board approved, 3-0:• lot merger plan of Southern Michigan Bank & Trust, Lisa Marie and Ronald L. Collins, located at 573 Gilbert Road, contingent on the plan's title block being changed to read the same as the deed, and a note on the plan stating Lisa Marie and Ronald L. Collins may sign the plan on behalf of the trustee, based upon the June 20, 2013 letter from Southern Michigan Bank & Trust.• Ordinance 2013-04, which is an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement with CJER, which will now include Polk to make it CJERP.• to place a two-way stop sign at Mertz Road and Rustic Road. Kresge says that a traffic study did warrant a stop sign on Rustic Road. It was decided that a "Stop Ahead" sign with a flashing red light will be placed to warn drivers of the upcoming stop sign.• to send a letter of support from Polk Township to the Monroe County Planning Commission on behalf of the West End Open Space Planning Region's request for Marcellus Legacy Funds to build a trail at the West End Regional Park and a pavilion at the VanBuskirk/Haney Park.