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Tamaqua Police praised by borough council

The Tamaqua Police Department was praised by Borough Council during the recent borough council meeting.

Councilmen Dave Mace and Ken Smulligan stated the council's appreciation to the department regarding the recent drug busts and improvements to the department.Continuing, councilman Tom Cara and Mayor Chris Morrison added that the amount of arrests has substantially increased, while the amount of overtime has been reduced.In May, Tamaqua police made 67 criminal arrests, 41 non-traffic arrests and 198 traffic arrests. In May 2012, there were 12 criminal arrests, nine non-traffic arrests and 23 traffic arrests. Last year's total arrests included 59 criminal arrests, 70 non-traffic arrests and 168 traffic arrests.Overtime hours for May 2013 totalled 69.5 hours/37.5 court hours. Last year's May overtime total was 76 hours/72 court hours.Replying, Corporal Henry Woods, standing in for Chief Rick Weaver, stated the department's appreciation for the purchase of a new police car, a 2013 Dodge Interceptor, to replace one of the department's older vehicles.In addition, the council voted to have the transmission repaired in one of the department's police cars (no. 177).

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Pictured is the Tamaqua Police Department's new 2013 Ford Interceptor. It was purchased to replace the department's Dodge Charger. Officers added that this car was specifically designed by Ford for police use. Officers state the Ford has more room inside and is ergonomically designed.