Published June 15. 2013 09:03AM
Franklin Township Lions Club held installation of officers for the 2013-2014 year. Installing officer was Liz McElwee, incoming District 14-U Governor. Installed were, from left, front row, Richard Schirer, director; Hazel Goodhile, Lion tamer; Elaine Correll, tail twister; Patricia Hawk, trustee; and Kermit Heiland, membership chairman; back l-r, Joel Christman, president; Carl Gross, first vice president; James Simmons, second vice president; Shirley Gross, secretary; Jeanette Riaetorries, secretary; Robert Correll, treasurer; Clifford McFarland, trustee; and Liz McElwee, installing officer and immeidate incoming District Governor of 14-U
Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS