Tamaqua firm awarded bridge project contract
A Tamaqua contractor was the winning bidder for a bridge project, it was announced by the Schuylkill County commissioners at their public meeting held Wednesday at the courthouse in Pottsville.
A contract was awarded to Barletta Materials and Construction Inc., for $402,642.85 to rehabilitate the county bridge which carries Black Creek Road over Mahanoy Creek in Barry and Butler townships. Baretta was the low bidder.In other business the commissioners approved the purchase of two vehicles.A 2013 Ford Expedition SSV (Special Service Vehicle) from KME of Nesquehoning for the Emergency Management Agency at a cost of $37,706.02. John Matz, director of EMA said the pricing of vehicle is consistent with the state contract under Costars. Additionally, KME fire apparatus of Nesquehoning will add the emergency lights, siren, console, wiring, reflective stripping and logo. The vehicle includes a heavy duty towing package because much of the equipment and supplies carried are maintained in cargo trailers.A 2013 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD vehicle for the adult probation department is being purchased through the state contract at a cost of $28,877.Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier pointed out there will be no cost to the county for this car as funds will be provided from the court's offender supervision fee charged to people placed on probation. When they are sentenced the court order's a $50 monthly fee paid for each month on probation. Besides the purchase cost the fuel and maintenance costs are also paid out of the fund.State fair queenA proclamation was adopted paying tribute to Rhonda Carl, daughter of Robert and Carla Mae Carl, of Ashland, who is the 2013 Pennsylvania Fair Queen. She is also representing the Schuylkill County Fair and is the first person in the history of the fair to win all of their royalty contests titles from Little Miss in 2006, to Princess in 2009, and winning the title of Fair Queen in 2012.She now becomes the first Schuylkill County Fair Queen contestant to not only place in the state competition's top five but to have the honor of being crowned the 2013 Pennsylvania Fair Queen. She later was given a tour of the courthouse by Clerk of Courts Stephen Lukach.Award contractsContracts totaling more than $1.6 million were awarded to service providers for the Office of Senior Services which cares for the senior citizens of the county.The contract with Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries of Allentown was increased by $37,104 or a revised contract cap of $1,063,541. The increase is $20,400 for apprise volunteer recognition events, as arise volunteer recognition events, personal training and tracking.Contracts were entered with four attorneys, William Burke, Shenandoah; Lori Schaeffer and Robert Lipkin, Pottsville; and Joseph Nahas, Frackville, for $99 per hour with a contract cap at $11,250 to provide service for senior citizens.DBA Golden Years Adult Center, Shenandoah, for adult day care and meals, $136,875; REDCO, Pottsville, adult day care in Mahanoy City and Pine Grove, $279,598; Schuylkill Transportation System (STS) , Saint Clair, transportation service, $69,543.55; MID Penn Legal Services, Harrisburg, ombudsman service, $109,134; Penn Kasher, Pottsville, call service, $4,000; Potsville Internists Association, Pottsville, physician consultation services, $5,000; Lamar Schwartz, Tremont, housing specialist services, $5,000; Wyomissing Behavioral Anbalsts, LTD, Wyomissing, psychological consultation, $10,000; Buddy's Log Cabin Family Restaurant and Catering, Pine Grove, meals for retired senior volunteer program, $1,992; Cynthia Reidler, Pine Grove, occupational therapy and home health services, $3,250; Safety Care Technologies, LLC, Reading, installing personal emergency response system and monitoring, $4,000; and Automated Securty Alert of Mulhall, installation of personal emergency response systems and monitoring, $2,000.A contract was awarded to Arthur Pat Aungst Inc., Pine Grove, for the Frailey Township Spruce Street pipe culvert replacement in amount of $43,196.Approved a contract with the Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Health and Welfare Fund for a short form contract for period 2011 to 2014.Approve cleaupThe fall cleanup in the county will take place from September 16 through 28 and 12 sites have been approved as collecting stations.The 12 sites incude Tamaqua Transfer Station, with other sites will be located in Pottsville, Hegins Township, Minersvile, CES landfill in Foster Township, Girardville, North Manheim Township, Schuylkill Haven, Wayne Township, Porter Township, and Ringtown. The fall cleanup accepts tires, electronics, appliances and bulky items and is open to all residents of the county.Personnel mattersThirteen people were hired at Rest Haven Home as part-time nurse's aides trainees at $7.700 per hour.They were, Tanya Didget, Schuylkill Haven; Chelsey Bailey, Brandi Michael and Brandie Hunter, Port Carbon; Nicole Bernotas and Rose Ulicny, Shenandoah; Brittany Bradley, Miranda Gibble, Sarah Simatos and Nicole Klinger, Pottsville; Kayla Brantiecht and Samantha Ruff, Orwigsburg; and Kate McDemus, Cressona.Lori Donohue, Schuylkill Haven, was hired as a full time licensed practical nurse at Rest Haven Home at $16.3098 per hour; Tara Sedadones, Pottsville, as a part time licensed practical nurse at $15.9900; and Donna Facenko, Orwigsburg, as a part time registered nurse and head nurse at $20.6900 per hour. Renae Anderson, Schuylkill Haven, resigned as a part time licensed practical nurse; Sharon Thomas, Orwigsburg, as a full time registered nurse; and Susan Lucas, Tower City, as a part time nurse's aide.Crystal Moser, West Penn Township, was promoted from county social services aide to caseworker 1 with the Children and Youth Service Agency at $16.7612 per hour; and Travis Yeager, Cass Township, promoted from caseworker 1 to caseworker 2 at $18.0415 per hour.Karen Rogers, Mahanoy City, was hired as a part time clerical aide under a state grant in the district attorney's office at $11.3400 per hour.Megan Hayes, Branch Township, was hired as a temporary clerk 1 in the treasurer's office at $7.9600 per hour.Christopher Moher, Ringtown, resigned as a correctional officer at the county prison; and Bridget Gaughan, Shenandoah, as a case worker 1 with Children and Youth Service Agency.Erica Dailey and James Dailey, Minersville, appointed as unpaid interns in the controller's office.