Chestnuthill supervisors meet
During the recent meeting of the Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors, the board approved, 3-0, to advertise for pave in place bids.
It also approved, 3-0:lot joinder for David and Teresa WeinmanResolution 2013-13, adopting a new street map, along with a list of the renaming and naming of public and private streets within the municipal boundaries of the township. The list of names and map is available to view at the township building.In the report of Donald Zipp, the township's director of Emergency Management, the West End Volunteer Fire Co. responded to 91 calls and the West End Ambulance responded to 135 calls, nine with two ambulances.The Pennsylvania State Police responded to 348 calls which included two aggravated assaults, one aggravated assault on law enforcement, 37 crash investigations and 14 DUI arrest. He noted that Sgt. Jennings was promoted and will be leaving the area for another troop.Bernie Kozen, executive director for West End Park and Open Space Commission, said that 24 players participated in the first tennis lesson session, 42 tables were set up at the craft/gift fair, the Volleyball League begins June 13; the free Tennis Festival will be Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m. until noon; the first free concert in the park will be Sunday, June 23 at 6 p.m. with Leigh Lombardo-Cole and Chris Eckert in concert; there will be a Patriotic Coloring Contest with prizes on Saturday, June 29 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.; Pohoqualine fishing permits are still available.Kozen said that the WEPOSC can receive a $20,000 Marcellus Legacy Fund (Impact Fee Grant.) It has until the end of the month to determine what it would be used for. Ross Twp. wants $9,000 to be used for its park pavilion. The regional park would receive the remaining $11,000, for possible trail work, dog park or other suggestions from township manager, David Albright.The next Chestnuthill Township Historical Society's meeting will be Wednesday, June 19 at 7 p.m. at the Chestnuthill Township Park building, Route 715, Brodheadsville.The next 250th Chestnuthill Township Anniversary Committee meeting will be Thursday, June 20 at 7 p.m. at the township park building.