Towamensing Township Developer told to get letter of credit before barracks plans are approved
The land development plan for a new police barracks at Sei Pei Road and Route 209 must be signed and recorded before Steve Parisi can get his building permit. He attended the June 6 meeting of the Towamensing supervisors.
The matter of stormwater management was again discussed.Parisi said a letter of credit is available so the stormwater is guaranteed to be completed. Solicitor Tom Nanovic was asked to look at whether the township can sign the land development plan without the stormwater plan.Parisi was told to get liability insurance but responded that this will be impossible until there is a building on the site.After a short executive session supervisors returned and Nanovic gave a time line: As soon as the letter of credit is received the land development plan will be signed with no necessity to wait for next month's meeting. When a receipt for recording of the plan is received the building permit will be issued.There will be no occupancy permit issued until the drainage work is complete and the highway occupancy permit must be on file.In other business:• The Owl Creek Bridge is open with a three-ton limit. It has been braced, and will be closed again when renovation work is begun. Detour information will be posted on the website.Supervisor Guy Seifert recommended that people adhere to the three-ton limit which many have not been doing.• The driveway to the Forest Inn property is nearly complete. It still needs to be stoned. The dirt removed from the drive has been used on the softball field.• A temporary worker has been added to the garbage collection crew.• Seifert said the township is going to look into PennDOT's line-painting regulations.• The township will advertise for bids for heating oil and diesel fuel.• Two proposals were received for mowing and field maintenance. Costenbader Brother's proposal was accepted.• Bins are available for recycling both newspaper and junk mail paper.• A used equipment sale will be held June 8 in conjunction with Lower Towamensing Township at the Towamensing Township municipal building. It begins at 11 a.m.• Walter and son Allen DeGroot were directed by the zoning officer to clean up their residential property on Gun Club Road. They attended the meeting to request additional time. Zoning officer Carl Faust said enough work has been done to be noticeable and clearing goes on.Faust said one-half of 1 percent of a property can be used for junk storage. In this case that is 544 square feet.DeGroots had 30 days from the original enforcement notice and received a two-week extension. Now they asked for two months but were given until July 11. Faust is to check each Monday to be sure progress is being made.• The July meeting will be held July 11 since the first Thursday will be the Fourth of July.