Published June 05. 2013 05:03PM
The Relay For Life of Tamaqua and Surrounding Communities held their 5th annual "Paint the Town Purple" event Sunday (Cancer Survivor's Day) at the Depot Square Park in Tamaqua.
As part of the program, volunteers placed purple ribbons on poles at the park and speakers said a few words of prayer.In addition to the program, all cancer survivors, caregivers, Relay For Life participants, volunteers and visitors were treated to a free ice cream social at the park.They used the color of Relay, purple, along with the brief ceremony, to help promote the upcoming Relay (June 21 and 22 from 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Panther Valley football stadium in Lansford).
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Volunteer Rosalee Rehrig, of West Penn, places a purple ribbon on one of the lights located at the Depot Square Park.