Five enter guilty pleas
A Minersville man pleaded guilty to possession of illegal drugs and received a jail sentence while four other defendants who entered guilty pleas to various criminal charges received probation sentences from judges in Schuylkill County court.
Robert P. Mehlman, 56, Minersville, two counts of possession of a controlled substance (CS), sentenced by Judge John E. Domalakes to serve six to 18 months in the county prison with the sentence to begin Friday, June 14, at 4 p.m. He was also ordered to pay $50 to Criminal Justice Enhancement Account (CJEA) fund, and make restittution of $226 to Bethlehem Regional Lab. Mehlman was cited by Minersville Patrolman Jeffrey R. Bowers.Flora Ptaszkopwski, 31, Shenandoah, credit card fraud, sentenced by Domalakas to serve three years on probation, and pay $50 to CJEA fund. She was cited by Saint Clair Patrolman John Leskin.Mary Lauretta Hardy, 43, Shenandoah, theft of property, sentenced by Domalakas to serve four years on probation, pay $50 to CJEA fund, perform 20 hours of community service, and make restitution of $510 to Deborah Kubilus. Hardy was cited by Pottsville Patrolman Grant Yoder, whose investigation led to Hardy's arrest for finding a wallet left at the Union Bus Station, and failing to return it to the owner.John Arthur Gallagher Jr.,59, Stroudsburg, passing two bad checks to Top Guns Shop, Builtwell Road, North Manheim Township, sentenced by Judge Charles M. Miller to serce 12 months on probation, pay $50 to CJEA fund, and make restitution of $5,030. Gallagher was cited by Trooper Timothy J. Rymarkiewicz.Shawn Paul Grady, 38, Schuylkill Haven, harassment of Chery Bloss, Shenandoah, with 50 calls on her cell phone within one half hour, sentenced by Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin to serve 12 months on probation, and pay $50 to CJEA fund. Grady was cited by Patrolman Larie Dudash.Each defendant must also pay a $50 per month supervision fee while on probation or parole.