Community Heroes
Four local residents have been selected by the Mauch Chunk Trust Company (MCT) as 2013 Community Heroes in recognition of their outstanding volunteer contributions.
The award recipients nominated by community residents will be recognized at a public banquet to be held in their honor on Tuesday, June 18 at the Mahoning Valley Country Club in Lehighton.At that time, the Mauch Chunk Trust Company will present each recipient with an award and a $100 donation to the charity of his or her choice.The charities selected by this year's Community Heroes are: the United Church of Christ, Jim Thorpe; the David F. Formica Scholarship Fund; the Tamaqua Area Faith Fellowship Network; and the Carbon County Shepherd House.The 2013 MCT Community Heroes award recipients are:• Alfred Feuerstein, Jim Thorpe, for his contributions to the Cub Scouts, Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital, Blue Mountain Home Health Care, Carbon County Planning Commission, Carbon County Area Agency on Aging, American Cancer Society Telethon, Jim Thorpe YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Jim Thorpe Little League, Carbon County Senior Games, Penn Forest Fire Company No. 1, Lehighton Fire Company No. 1, Franklin Township Fire Company, Lions Club, Carbon County Fair, Jim Thorpe American Legion, Big Creek Grange, Bowmanstown Rod & Gun Club, Mason's Carbon Lodge #242, Rajah Shriners, Knights of Malta and the United Church of Christ in Jim Thorpe.• Rick Grant, Jim Thorpe, for his volunteer efforts including St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Ozark, Mo., Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, Future Farmers of America, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Ozarks Literacy Council, Adult Reading Tutor, Waggin' Tails Animal Shelter, Sheltara Kennels, Jim Thorpe Rotary Youth Soccer Association, Parents & Teachers Association (PTA), Mauch Chunk Historical Society, Mauch Chunk Opera House, Jim Thorpe Visitor's Center, Carbon County Groundwater Guardians, Trail Tenders Program at Beltzville State Park, Poconos Northeast Resource Conservation and Development Council, Carbon County Conservation District, Carbon County Environmental Education Center, Carbon County Career Link and Carbon County Chamber of Commerce.• George R Taylor, Tamaqua, for donating his time to Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tamaqua Area Faith Fellowship Network (TAFFN), Tamaqua Area Community Partnership, Tamaqua Community Arts Center, Tamaqua Safety initiative, American Cancer Society, PA School Press Association, Columbia Scholastic Advisors' Association, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, Tamaqua Boys Basketball Booster Club, American Heart Association and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.• C. Jean Zimmerman, Weatherly, for volunteering her time with Weatherwood Nursing and Rehabilitation, Carbon County Shepherd House, Carbon County Interagency, Weatherly Food Pantry, Pet Food Donations, Carbon County Area Agency on Aging, Benefits Checkup Program, Eckley's Miners Village Museum, Carbon County Friends of Animals, Carbon County 4H Club, Horses & Horizon Therapeutic Horseback Center, Carbon County Association for Retarded Citizens, Safe Kids of Carbon County, Carbon County Children and Youth, Carbon County Children's Team, Family Promise of Carbon County, Diakon Volunteer Home Care, and Carbon County Head Start.This is the 14th consecutive year that Mauch Chunk Trust Company is recognizing local volunteers."Volunteers often don't receive the recognition they deserve," said MCT President and CEO Patrick H. Reilly."We are proud to have the opportunity to honor these outstanding members of our community, who selflessly donate their time and talents to help make our local community a better place to live and work."Established in 1902, the Mauch Chunk Trust Company is an independent community bank that is locally owned and managed.The bank operates six branch locations and one wealth management office providing a complete range of personal and business banking products and financial services, such as investments and insurance.For more information about the Mauch Chunk Trust Company go to Community Hero Banquet information, contact Deborah Bamford at (570) 325-0410.