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Marian seniors urged to have faith in their decisions

Sixty-five Marian Catholic High School senior students were told Friday to keep faith at the center of their lives as their future unfolds.

The Most Reverend John O. Barres, homilist, advised the young adults that "the gospel asks you to always have sensitivity to the presence of Jesus Christ. What a difference it makes when we open ourselves to the presence of Jesus Christ," he urged.That message highlighted the Baccalaureate Mass held inside the school gymnasium in Rush Township before a few hundred parents, friends and relatives.Barres also urged the soon-to-be graduates to be faithful to Sunday mass "as you transition into a new life." He advised them that they'll "meet all sorts of people," and to keep Christ at the center of their decisions and maintain a "beautiful sensitivity" to Jesus.Barres briefly alluded to recent East Coast tragedies in Newtown and Boston, and quoted Pope John Paul II, saying "every mass is celebrated on the altar of the world."Barres chose to address the students in a warm, casual manner by standing directly in front of them on the gymnasium floor, rather than speaking from a more lofty position on stage or at the lectern.Several of the seniors offered gospel readings and led the singing of hymns while others performed with the orchestra, wearing cap and gown.Flag bearers were John Julian, Nicholas Kweder, Molly Balliet and Ryan Karnish.Altar servers included Nate Keer, Justin Bilka, Eric Swankoski, Marykate Sherkness-Crozier, and Amy Skotek-Miter.Cantors were Samantha Faust, Sabrina Krupko, and Kasey Rossell. Lectors were Jessica DeLash and Kara Sedlack. Gift bearers included Emily DeSantis and Mia Casale, with Petitions, Lea Chocolas.Those of Rock Music Ministry were Jessica Horlacher, Christopher Postupack and Joseph Turner.Music was under the direction of Michael Brimmer and Teresa Sheer.Commencement is scheduled for 7 p.m. today at the high school, Marian Road, Tamaqua.The valedictorian will be Ryan Karnish and the salutatorian, Samantha Faust.Officers for the Class of 2013 are: John Julian, president; Nicholas Kweder; vice president; and Molly Balliet, secretary/treasurer.The class colors are black, white and blue.Deborah Coles serves as senior class adviser.

DONALD R. SERFASS/TIMES NEWS Marian Catholic High School seniors were urged to keep faith at the center of their lives during Friday's baccalaureate service held in the school gymnasium.