PV school board approves staff for summer school
The Pleasant Valley School District board of directors approved the following business at the last school board meeting, 7-0, with Charles Hoffman and James Spinola absent:
• a resolution authorizing e-signature, giving Dr. Douglas Arnold, PVSD superintendent authority to sign any and all contracts, agreements, grants and/or licenses up until and including July 31, 2013, his last official day before his retirement and then giving that authorization to Carole M. Geary as of Aug. 1, 2013, when she assumes the position of superintendent.• a resolution supporting prevailing wage reform, allowing school districts to use a single prime contractor for construction and renovation projects, and increased state funding for school construction and renovation projects• hiring Jane Cumberland and Sonya Porter as part-time paraprofessional associates at an annual salary of $20,331, prorated, effective May 13 at PVE• hiring Carlene Altemose, Robin Bank, Karin DePaul, Greg Duff, Lee-Ann Jacobson, Jay Ohland, Mary Smith, Dawn Wilson, Deanna DeFluri for paraprofessional associates for the ESEA Title 1 Summer School at PVE at a weekly wage of $360• hiring as substitutes Jane Cumberland, Katie Fry and Sonya Porter (paraprofessional associates) and Bonnie Drinkwater (secretary), Beverly Galasso (paraprofessional associate/monitor) and Sharon Sweazy (custodian)• hiring cyber curriculum developers at a stipend of $750, Sean Crosby (technology, grade 7), Miranda Ford (German I), Bobby Shupp (technology, grade 6)• hiring Kristine Delmas, Jacqueline Hardy, Nancy Harkins, Michele Herrmann, Kathleen Kilker, Tara Liddy, Patrick Luchowski, Monica Ohland, Robin Snyder and Kasey Whiteford as teachers for the ESEA Title 1 Summer School at PVE at a weekly wage of $460• hiring substitutes Deborah Butchkoski (ESEA Title I Summer School, special education/reading specialist); Katie Fry (elementary, retroactive to May 16, 2013); Kerrie Harris (elementary/special education); Tina Martin (elementary/special education); Dawn Phillips (ESEA Title I Summer School, elementary); Jessica Altemose (elementary, retroactive to May 22, 2013); Kristina Litterer (early childhood/elementary, retroactive to May 21, 2013); Leticia Dipipi (elementary/reading specialist; Leah Holubowski (early childhood/special education)• hiring summer maintenance at an hourly rate of $9.38 effective on or about June 17: Patricia Brennan, Doreen Cruz, Sandra Eckman, Barbara Farrington, William Mingle and Joshua Spinola• hiring for the audio-visual building coordinator positions: Craig Morris (PVHS); James Igoe (PVMS); Sean Crosby and Bobbi Shupp (PVI); Jillian Michaels and Michele Herrmann (PVE); Christie Doll (Polk)• hiring for technology building coordinator position: Patty McLain (PVHS); Theresa McDermott (PVMS); Sean Crosby and Bobbi Shupp (PVI); Jillian Michaels and Michele Herrmann (PVE); Christie Doll (Polk)• events managers for 2013-2014: David Biever; Michele Confer; Colleen Dinan; Greg Duff; Rollene Gougher; Timothy Hinton; Ron Leupold; Kris Meckes; Tierney Myers; Gena Orlowski; Michelle Piontkowski; Kurt Scheller.The board approved (7-0) the following individuals for department heads/curriculum leaders:• Language Arts: Melissa Kern (elementary curriculum leader K-3); Roberta McMaster (intermediate curriculum leader 4-6); Hillary Bond (middle school department head 7-8); Philomena Reduzzi (high school department head 9-12)• Mathematics: Jennifer Krebs (elementary curriculum leader K-3); Trevor Kresge (intermediate curriculum leader 4-6); Dana West (middle school department head 7-8); Shavonne Liddic (high school department head 9-12)• Social Studies: Teresa Greggo (elementary curriculum leader K-3); Thomas Dudley (intermediate curriculum leader 4-6); Paul McCrone (middle school department head 7-8); Timothy McCutchan (high school department head 9-12)• Science: Amy Polak (elementary curriculum leader K-3); Malcolm McKinsey (intermediate curriculum leader 4-6); Rick Rimple (middle school department head 7-8); Patrick Murphy (high school department head 9-12)• Grades 7-12 Department Heads: Jennifer Laubscher (business education); Justine Curcio (world language); Jennifer Keller (family and consumer sciences); Richard Petrushka (industrial arts/tech education)• Grades K-12 Department Heads: George Boudman (art); George Smith (ESOL); Matthew Triolo (health and physical education); Deborah Lowenburg (library media); John DeVivo (music); Susan Scully (school counseling); Gina Birnbaum (special education); Kathy Balch (health services).The board accepted, 7-0:• the resignation of Theresa Olszewski Cole, PVMS monitor, effective May 24• the retirement of Peter Blat, PVI reading specialist effective the conclusion of the 2012-13 school year and Frank Krogstad, district courier, effective June 28The board approved, 7-0 the following coaching and adviser positions:• Boys' soccer: Alex Wunder, Varsity and JV; Mark Kutteroff, junior high; Richard Whiteford, junior high• Cross Country: Rick Rimple, Varisty; James Igoe, junior high• Field Hockey: Jessica Frantz, Varisty; James Shay, JV; Corin Owermohle, junior high; Alison Kutzler, junior high• Football: David Biever, Steve Lazicki, Dave Pacchioni, Matt Triolo, Varsity; Dan Frable, Mark Versuk, Freshman; Greg Munch, junior high• Girls Soccer: Derek Strohl, Varisty; Jim Shoopack, JV.• Girls Tennis: Ralph Weichand, JV• Girls Volleyball: Kathleen Gesiskie, Varsity; Craig Morris, JV; Drew Dymond, junior high• Fall Cheering advisers: Tracy Toth• Winter Cheering advisers: Tracy Toth, Varsity• Volunteer assistant coaching positions: Robin Bok (cross country); John Barker, Levi Biever, William Jacobs, Matt Johnson, James Ward (football)The board approved, 7-0, the following business management items:• audit services from July 1, 2012-June 30, 2015 from Gorman & Associates, P.C. in the amount of $25,600 for basic audit; $2,900 for single audit, $850 for AFR and additional services at $75 per hour• a purchase order to Mastercraft Sports Flooring for $23,750 to refurbish flooring in the "new" PVHS gym• the Food Services Budget for the 2013-2014 school year with expenditures in the amount of $2,163,983• the contract with Carol H. Gilbert Consulting at $2,400 for 6-Cent Certification entry for one week of ingredients, recipes and menus. Consultant shall complete work on or before June 30, 2013• Bid awards for janitorial supplies and equipment for a total of $75,160.35.