Parryville Council hires engineering firm to handle zoning, sewage
Parryville Council on Tuesday night ended the controversy concerning former zoning officer Richard Fedor by hiring an engineering firm to handle both zoning and sewage issues.
Barry Isett and Associates was hired to assist the borough with both zoning and sewage."We have this all under one roof," said council President Mike Grant. "It makes it easier for our residents."Last month council members tabled hiring a zoning officer after discussion broke down and became a screaming match between Grant and council member Jennifer Borger, who would not vote on Tuesday night for the Isetts to take on the zoning and sewage."Just make sure you write that I did not vote for either motion," said Borger.Grant said that council needed to move forward."We had the option to appoint or reappoint," said Grant. "We hadn't appointed anyone to the position of zoning officer at the beginning of the year."Council also accepted the resignation of Duane Dellecker as building code inspector.Council will also add those duties of building code inspector to the list that Isett and Associates will handle. Matt Wolter will serve as the zoning officer. He is an employee of Isett and Associates.Cathy Hawk, council member then thanked Fedor and Dellecker for their service to the community.Isett and Associates is contracted by the borough to prepare the Act 537 sewage plan for the borough. That plan is presently under preparation.Council member Borger also noted that she was bringing a complaint to the borough about a resident who is raising chickens in the center of town. She said that the roosters are crowing at 2 a.m. and waking up people.Grant said that there is no ordinance governing livestock in town but that there are rules about building set backs in residential areas which will be utilized by the zoning officer."That is why it is important to have a zoning officer on board," said Grant.Council also discussed placing stop signs or yield signs on North Fireline and East Fireline roads to control traffic and to place lower speed signs on Fireline Road.Attorney Mike Greek said that the borough must have a traffic study to lower speed signs and enact an ordinance to effectively place stop signs at the intersection.Council voted to place stop signs at the intersection and approved having Greek provide an ordinance for council to sign.Grant said that the borough has no one to enforce the stop signs, but that it might slow down traffic on the narrow, curving road and make it safer.Hawk also noted that without the county recycling program, residents do not have any place to place their recyclables. She asked council's permission to seek help from Franklin Township to allow Parryville to use their bins."I'm not sure what Franklin Township is doing and whether our residents will be welcome," said Hawk. "But I will find out."Council also discussed holding a community-wide yard sale and noted that Parryville Fire Company is planning a two day festival on June 21 and June 22 to raise funds for the fire company.Grant said the fire company is seeking help from the community for baked items and items for the Chinese auction.