Tamaqua tax collector's race decided by 4 votes
The contest for tax collector on the Republican ballot in Tamaqua was decided by five votes in Tuesday's Primary Election. There was a council race on the Democratic ballot in Coaldale.
Returns from three boroughs are as follows:TamaquaPamela J. McCullion nosed out Dale Freudenberger to win the Republican nomination for tax collector.McCullion received 292 unofficial votes and Freudenberger 287. There was no candidate on the Democratic ballot for tax collector but there were 114 write-in votes which will not be determined until the official count of the vote is made by a computing board which begins its work on Friday. The incumbent tax collector, Alan Kerr, was not seeking reelection.For mayor, the incumbent Mayor Christian Morrison, was unopposed on the Democratic ballot and received 228 votes. There was no Republican candidate for mayor but there were 170 write-in votes which will be recorded later by the computing board.On the Republican ballot for four-year council seats with three to be nominated the three incumbents won.John Trudich Jr., received 364 votes, Micah Gursky 356, David Mace 354, and newcomer Justin D. Startzel 309. There were no candidates on the Democratic ballot but there were 194 write-in votes.For council, two-year term, Jack Kulp won the Republican nomination with 413 votes and there were 16 write-in votes. There was no candidate on the Democratic ballot but there were 46 write-in votes.For auditor, six-year term, there were no candidates on either ballot but there were 19 Republican write-in votes and four Democratic write-in votes.CoaldaleThere was a contest on the Democratic ballot for a four-year seat on council with four candidates battling for the three seats to be filled.The unofficial results were Thomas Polischak received 77 votes, Angela Krapf 72 votes, Vincent Miller Sr., 78, who won the nomination, with John J. Sherbin finishing fourth with 30 votes. There was no contest on the Republican ballot for the four-year council seats with Linda A. Miller receiving 103 votes, Harry R. Hontz Jr., 101, and David J. Yelito 57.There were no contests for mayor. On the Republican ballot Richard R. Kellner received 151 votes and on the Democratic ballot Joel Johnson received 77 voters.There was no contest for tax collector. On the Democratic ballot Catherine M. Papish won the nomination with 103 votes. There was no Republican candidate but there were 38 write-in votes.New RinggoldThere were no contests in New Ringgold.John Belsak won the Democratic nomination for mayor with 15 votes. There was no Republican candidate but there were 15 write-in votes.Neither party had a candidate for tax collector, there were 12 write-in votes on the Republican ballot and eight write-in votes on the Democratic ballot.There are two seats to be filled for four year council term but each party had only one listed candidate. On the Republican ballot Jason Gradwell received 25 voters and there were 13 write-in votes and on the Democratic ballot Roger Freed received seven votes and there were 13 write-in votesMcAdooThere were six candidates battling for the Democratic nomination for three council seats.Joseph A. Madochick received 224 unofficial votes, John J. Shigo 208 votes, and Robert S. Wills, 195 votes to win the nomination over Brian E. Kolbush with 82 votes. John Kolbush with 62 votes and Mark Liszka with 49 voters.The Republican four year council seat nominees are Edward J. Bielen Sr., who received 141 votes, Jason Trimmell with 124 votes, and Brian Welch with 117 votes.For mayor, Dane Watro received the Republican nomination with 144 votes and Stephan R. Holly the Democratic nomination with 257 votes. Neither was opposed.For tax collector, Terry Sissick Kupres won the Republican nomination with 144 votes and Andrew T. DeBalko the Democratic nomination. Neither was opposed.