Supervisor races decided in Rush and West Penn
Spirited contests for tax collector and supervisor were held in seveal area townships according to the unofficial vote recorded in the Schuylkill County Primary Election held Tuesday.
Following are the results.Rush TownshipThere was a contest among three candiates seeking the Republican nomination for a six year superrvisor term.Incumbent Shawn Gilbert won the nomination with 280 votes, besting William D. Boyer, who received 102 votes, and Walter Taylor with 54 votes. There was no Democratic candidate for supervisor but there were 100 write-in votes.For tax collector, Dolores Walck was unoposed on the Republican ballot receiving 371 votes. There was no Democratic candidate for tax collector but there were15 write-in voters.West Penn Twp.There was a contest for the nomination on the Republican ballot for a six year supervisor term.Ted Bogosh won the nomination with 215 votes, besting Harry Barron, who received 56 votes. There was no Democratic candidate but there were 35 write-in votes.For tax collector, Helene Zeigler was unopposed on the Republican ballot receiving 268 votes. There was no Democratic candidate for tax collector but there were 15 write-in votes.Walker TownshipThere were no contests.David Price was unopposed on the Republican ballot for supervisor and received 108 votes. There was no Democratic candidate for supervisor.For tax collector, Diane Yvonne Malay was unopposed on the Republican ballot and received 108 votes. There was no Democratic candidate.Schuylkill Twp.There was a race for the Democratic nomination for supervisor, four year term.Linda A. Decindo got 49 votes to defeat Andrew J. fayash Jr., who got 23. Charles J. Fayash was unopposed for the Republican nod and got 46 votes.Paul Delpais won the GOP nod for tax collector with 88 votes. There was no Democratic candidate.Kline TownshipThere were three candidates running for tax collector on the Democratic ballot with one to be nominated.Diane Minnnneci won the nominaton with 60 votes with Andrew M. McAloose coming in second with 57 votes and Suzanne Fenkner finished third with 10 votes. Stephen J. Sheer was unopposed for tax collector on the Republican ballot receiving 170 votes.For a six year supervisor term, Dale A. Wesner was unopposed on the Republican ballot and received 197 votes and Joseph Landue was unopposed on the Democratic ballot receiving 94 votes.For a six year auditor term, Melanie M. Wallce received the Republican nomination with 162 votes. There was no Democratic candiate for the six year term but there were 10 write-in votes. For the two year auditor term Bruce Yourechko Jr. was unopposed on the Republican ballot receiving 198 votes. There was no Democratic candidate but there were six write-in votes.úThere were no contests.Franklin R. Fetter was unopposed on the Republican ballot for six year supervisor term receiving 181 votes. There was no Democratic candidate for supervisor but there were 38 write-in votes.For tax collector, Mary T. Peca was unopposed on the Democratic ballot and received 129 votes. There was no Republican candidate fort tax collector but there were 42 write-in votes.For six year auditor term neither party had candidates with five write-in votes recorded on the Republican ballot and one write-in vote on the Democratic ballot.