Polk Township supervisors award paving bids
The Polk Township supervisors approved, 3-0, to award the lowest paving bid for HTY and Long Mt. roads to Hanson Aggregates at $125,172. The lowest seal coat bid was awarded to Dosch King Co., Inc. for $15,552. 42.
Brian Ahner, supervisor chairman and roadmaster, reported that the road crew is sweeping roads, started cutting grass, paved an area on Trach Drive, doing some patching, and removed a tree on Dotter's Corner with a few more to do.Ahner said that Clean Up Day was a rough one because they were so busy. The township removed six truckloads of solid waste and five truckloads of metal.Gerald Zurat, the zoning/codes officer reported that for the month of May there were 32 permits issued and he received two formal complaints and two verbal complaints.The board approved, 3-0:• the Michael J. and Elizabeth M. Schmid lot joinder, located in Robin Hood Lake.• to have J.J. Martin clean and paint the salt building for $3,450.• Resolution 2013-03, a disposition for destruction of specific township records, some dating from 19 years ago.• giving Polk Township Historical Society the right to use the township's physical address to be used to apply for a Small Game license. Norman Burger, president of the historical society, explained that the organization does not have a physical address but it holds meetings at the township building and keeps its records there.In other business:• the Dotters Corner Road culvert project is scheduled to begin June 3 and may take between five to six weeks to complete.• there will be an ordinance hearing at the next supervisors' meeting on June 24 for Polk Township to become a member of CJER, which will then be known as CJERP.• there will be a meeting on Wednesday, May 22 to begin the process for township employees to become members of the Teamsters union..•Ahner is still getting estimates to refurbish the township's 1996 dump truck.• the township is considering joining the West End Park and Open Space Commission. Ahner said the cost would be 93 cents per resident the first year and the second year it would cost $2 per resident. He thought it would be worth it because Bernie Kozen, the executive director of WEPOSC, is able to write grants and that could help Polk in the future to apply for grants.Burger reported that the Chestnuthill Township's 250th Anniversary Committee:• received final approval of its logo. It will be introduced at the Pleasant Valley School District's board of directors meeting on Thursday, May 23, 8 p.m. The students responsible for the design will be awarded a cash prize.• they now have items with the logo available for sale to help fund the cost of the celebration.• will have a parade on Sept. 7 at the West End Fairgrounds from 10 a.m. until noon. There will be vendors in the fairgrounds area with bands scheduled to play on the Main Stage and the Singing Hawks in the band shell.• to learn more one can visit the website at