Kidder Township recognizes four local heros
At Thursday night's monthly board of supervisors meeting, Kidder Township took the opportunity to recognize four local heroes.
On April 16 at about 2 p.m., when the Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company responded to a house fire, they got some assistance they weren't expecting."As often happens when fires occur during the day we were shorthanded" said Lake Harmony Fire Chief, Ralph Lennon. "But when we responded to that house we had some help."On that day, also responding to the 911 call were Kidder Township Police Chief, Matt Kuzma as well as EMT's Ryan Kinsey and John Devine. A supervisor working at Split Rock Resort, Chuck Dickinson, also responded.Kuzma would normally direct traffic or perform other police duties at the scene. Kinsey and Devine were on site to assist any victims and to aid injured firefighters."Chuck Dickinson can usually be counted on to show up on a call to lend any assistance that he can. Sometimes that's a simple as making sure that the firefighters have something to drink or eat" said Lennon.On April 16, Kuzma, Kinsey, Devine and Dickinson picked up a hose and helped to keep the flames under control until enough firefighters arrived to knock down the fire."When we arrived, the back of the house showed flames and there was a lot of smoke. If it hadn't been for the help of these guys it might have been a complete loss. But with their help the kitchen was the only room in the house to burn, the actual fire never spread to the rest of the house. To me these guys are real heroes" continued Lennon.Lennon went on the say that "If these guys had been in firefighting gear and here as firefighters, we wouldn't be here tonight, nothing would have been said except 'good job'. That's because that is what we expect of firefighters."In other business, Chairman Larry Polansky announced that Thursday, June 27, at 7 p.m. will be a public meeting to address the use of funds from the sale of the sewage plant.Other items discussed at Thursday's meeting included payment of the townships bills in the amount of $90,314.71.Under Land Development, the board approved a request from The Mountain Laurel Timeshare Development to grant a one year extension for a final plan submission.Old business included a discussion regarding recycling. The board approved a motion to enter into a six-month contract with Municipal Recovery at a rate of no greater than $60 per month for single line recycling.The recycling bins will be placed off to one side of the parking lot at the municipal building.Initially the board agreed to place (3) eight- yard bins at the site. The supervisors made a point of stating that there would be 24 hour surveillance and that they would not tolerate any trash being left at the bins.The township will advertise when the recycling will begin, where the bins will be located and what can be recycled.Supervisor Robert Lengle addressed a number of complaints the township had received regarding a very loud and most likely, under aged party on Lake Harmony. Lengle pointed out that all of the complaints received came in to the township after the fact."This is on all of us. When you see something wrong you need to call 911 and report it" said Lengle. "Don't be afraid, no one will tell who made the call.""You can't assume that the officer on duty is in the area or is going to find out about a crazy party if no one calls 911.You are our eyes and ears. He could be checking out a silent alarm in Albrightsville, he has no idea, without your help, what going on at the lake" added Chief Kuzma.Kuzma also noted that the Kidder Township Police department will be running a zero tolerance "Click it or Ticket" campaign from May 20 to June 9. Anyone caught speeding or not wearing a seatbelt will be ticketed.New business included advertising an ordinance making revisions to the property maintenance code. The new ordinance incorporates the International Property Maintenance Code of 2012.The last order of new business relates to a cable franchise agreement reached between Blue Ridge Communications and Metro Cast Cable which will allow Metro Cast to carry Blue Ridge Communication channel 13 in Kidder Township. Currently only the Albrightsville section of the township receives the channel.The board also voted to adopt an ordinance governing hydrants installed within the township. The PUC (Pennsylvania Utilities Commission) has guidelines which relate to hydrants, the new ordinance addresses items not covered by the PUC code.One additional ordinance was adopted. Ordinance No 157 revises the existing ordinance, section 39-4(g) (3) to incorporate a change in the state regulations regarding payments to spouses of police officers who die in the line of duty. In the past, should a police officer die, the surviving spouse was paid out of the township's pension fund. Under a new state regulation the state would now pay, taking the burden off the township.The board also voted to make a $50 donation to the Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company's 9th Annual Horse Show and agreed to a hole sponsorship for the Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company Annual Golf Tournament.Township Manager, Lisa Kiem is working to compile a list of businesses that should be paying township amusement tax. Kiem also addressed the 911 addressing stating that it will take at least another year to complete.Supervisor, Mary Farnschlader, noted that the Penn Kidder Library Center, which is slated to hold its grand opening in June, held a soft opening this week. The library, which is located at the Pine Pointe Plaza, will be open 10 to 12 Monday through Saturday, and 4 to 6 on Tuesday and Thursday s.