Lehighton news
Trinity happenings
Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., Lehighton, will hold Pentecost Sunday worship with holy communion at 9 a.m. Interim pastor, the Rev. Donald Hayn will preside at the Rite of Confirmation for six young people. The teens completed two years of religious instruction in order to reach this milestone in their lives. Coffeehouse fellowship follows.Sunday School classes are completed; regular classes will resume in September.Community Vacation Bible School is being planned for June 16-20, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., for youngsters ages 3 to grade six. The theme is: "Everywhere Fun Fair. Where God's World Comes Together." Call the church office at (610) 377-4303 to register.The Northeastern PA. Synod Bike for World Hunger will take place at the Bob Rodale Fitness and Cycling Park, west of Mosser Road, Trexlertown, on May 18. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., the event begins at 9 a.m., and ends by 1 p.m. Participants are welcome to ride and/or pledge.LALLC plans meetingLehighton Area Lioness Lions Club will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 at Carbon Career and Technical Institute in Jim Thorpe. Members are asked to make note of the meeting date change. Lions are encouraged to invite a guest or family member to attend the dinner. Reservations can be made by contacting Linda Benner at (610) 377-3685. Induction of officers by Past District Governor Bob Neumoyer will occur.Community members are encouraged to place used eyeglasses at any of the following Lehighton locations: Lehighton High Rise, First Street; Lehighton Library, South Street; PNC Bank, First Street; Wells Fargo Bank, Interchange Road, Jim Thorpe National Bank, Fourth Street; Mallard Market, Second Street; Lehighton Municipal Building, Second Street; Dr. Hawk Dental Office, South Third Street; Dr. Dematte Chiropractic, Interchange Road, Lehighton; Wells Fargo Bank, Interchange Road; PNC Bank, Route 443; and Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital, 12th Street.Eyeglasses are recycled for those in other countries who are unable to afford corrective lenses.Fifty-nine pairs of eyeglasses were recently collected from the donation sites. Anyone needing financial assistance with eyeglasses can contact committee chairwoman, Lisa Whitehead at (610) 379-4002. There are financial guidelines that must be followed by all applicants and a written application must be completed and approved.Anyone interested in learning more about Lionism or anyone who would like to attend a meeting should contact Sandra Whiteman at (610) 377-1506 or email the club at