Published May 15. 2013 05:03PM
Bruce Kosack, a Service Officer with the Department of Pennsylvania Disabled American Veterans (DAV), spent time Monday and Tuesday offering veterans claim service for veterans and family members of veterans.
A DAV representative will be available once a month at Tamaqua Borough Hall to offer free veterans claim service for veterans as well as widows and dependent children of veterans. Information and assistance will be provided for service-connected disability claims, low income pension, health care claims for service-connected disabilities and low income veterans and other questions concerning veterans' benefits.Two future dates are June 10 and July 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Kosack said that the DAV is committed to better lives for all veterans and their families. For more information, call Kosack at (570) 527-3154 or (717) 761-4060.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Kosack helps veterans and family members Monday in Tamaqua.