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Residents want more signs at Five Points

Residents living near the Five Points intersection (SR309 and US209) in Tamaqua are stating that more one-way avoidance signage is needed for northbound SR309 traffic traveling through Tamaqua.

The residents, all who wish to remain anonymous for this story, point out that northbound SR309 traffic, some tractor trailers, routinely miss the turn onto East Mauch Chunk Street (also SR309) at the Five Points intersection. Residents stated that signage should be placed far in advance of the turn rather than the posted only wrong/one way signs that are posted "after the fact". One resident pointed out that one of the signs is covered up by a newly installed pole. Another resident stated that if a tractor trailer is parked at the intersection of the southbound lane (SR309), the trailer blocks the view of half of the posted signs."I'm surprised no one has been killed yet," said one of the nearby residents. "I'm guessing about one or two vehicles miss the turn every hour." He added that most incidents occur at night or when SR309 traffic is sparce."Is PennDOT going to wait until a bad accident happens before they add more signs," asked one driver.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Traffic on southbound SR309 in Tamaqua is backed up for a while as police officers figure how to get a tractor trailer driver back on SR309. The driver of the tractor said he didn't see the signs til it was too late. He added that his GPS also gave misleading directions while at the intersection.