Lehighton dominates in shuffleboard, bean bags
Carbon County Senior Games kicked off Tuesday with an opening ceremony, followed by shuffleboard and bean bag toss.
Lehighton was top scorer, with 46 points, followed by Panther Valley with 24, Palmerton with 22, Jim Thorpe with 16, and Weatherly with 0.The teams are divided into North and South. The South Team is composed of Lehighton and Palmerton; the North Team is composed of Panther Valley, Jim Thorpe/Penn Kidder, and Weatherly.The individual results for shuffleboard are:*Men 60-64: Wayne Leap, Lehighton, gold; Pete Malaska, Panther Valley, silver; and Rick Zern, Lehighton, bronze.*Men 65-69: Ray Berger, Palmerton, gold; Dennis Getz, Lehighton, silver; and Charles Parsons, Jim Thorpe, bronze.*Men 70-74: Ed Bailey, Jim Thorpe, gold; Joe Brennan, Jim Thorpe, silver; and Bob Bottcher, Lehighton, bronze.*Men 75-79: Del Swartz, Palmerton, gold; Henry Long, Lehighton, silver; and Tony Dimceli, Panther Valley, bronze.*Men 80-84: Lester Wentz, Lehighton, gold; Mario Iezzoni, Panther Valley, silver; and Francis O'Donnell, Jim Thorpe, bronze.*Men 85+: Tom Wehr, Lehighton, gold; James Davis, Lehighton, silver; and Angelo Cannarella, Palmerton, bronze.*Women 60-64: Linda Swartz, Palmerton, gold; Kathy Getz, Lehighton, silver; and Debbie Rogers, Lehighton, bronze.*Women 65-69: Dorothy Quigley, Panther Valley, gold; Ardella Eidem, Lehighton, silver; and Gloria Walk, Palmerton, bronze.*Women 70-74: Janice Cunfer, Lehighton, gold; Marge Antiga, Panther Valley, silver; and Diann Stephens, Jim Thorpe, bronze.*Women 75-79: Louise Bishop, Lehighton, gold; Evelynn Wyatt, Lehighton, silver; and Wanda McNichol, Jim Thorpe, bronze.*Women 80-84: Sue Dopira, Panther Valley, gold; Nancy McGinley, Jim Thorpe, silver; and Millie Hofmann, Jim Thorpe, bronze.*Women 85+: Stephena Kurtz, Palmerton, gold; Ellie Bonner, Panther Valley, silver; and Helen Neifert, Panther Valley, bronze.