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Jim Thorpe borough council discusses comprehensive plan

Carson Helfrich, of Community Planning and Management, spoke about the Middle Carbon County Comprehensive Plan and Parks/Recreational and Open Space Plan to Jim Thorpe Borough Council.

Helfrich stated that the committee has been working for the last few years with Jim Thorpe, Summit Hill, Lansford, and Penn Forest Township on the Comprehensive Plan and Parks/Recreation and Open Space Plan."We have done a lot of background studies to see what the existing conditions are in the four municipalities. And then based on those and meetings with the committee we put together goals, objectives, and plans for: land use, community facilities, housing, transportation," stated Helfrich.The plan also talks about what actions are necessary to carry out the plan.The Parks/Recreation and Open Space plan is a part of the Comprehensive Plan. This plan talks about open space preservation and park and recreation needs of the four communities.The plan had been previously submitted to council for review. The plan has been submitted to the other three municipalities as well for review.Helfrich asked if there were any comments regarding the plans.There was a public comment from Robert Dages. He raised concerns about the plans and 'individuality.'He spoke about the fallen tree doctrine and raised concerns over 'regionalism.'He asked council not to accept the version of the comprehensive plans that was currently submitted.He also submitted a proposal to JT borough council regarding his concerns.Members of the JT planning commission in attendance at the meeting: Joe Micko, Pam Kattner, Lou Hall, Council member Joanne Klitsch, and Council member John McGuire voted in favor to recommend to council the comprehensive plan and parks and recreation plan.John McGuire motioned for council to adopt the plans and a second was made by Jay Miller. All present council members approved. Kyle Sheckler and Joe Krebs were not in attendance at the time.In other news, council approved the following:• Appointing William Solomon to the Vacancy Board• The price quote from Leztek for the three users updates for QuickBooks in the amount of $375.• To close Spring Street between 6th and 7th Streets for the Lehigh Street Block Party on June 29th.• The purchase of the skid steer articulating brush cutter from Spartan Equipment in the amount of $6,995. This will be split between the Public Service and Sewer Departments.• Approving the closing of Packer Hill for St. Luke's Hospital annual Black Diamond event on June 1st from 5pm-9pm.• Permitting part time employees to be part of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System (PMRS), as in the past• The resolution addendum for the MEM loan agreement. Will now be paying monthly instead of semiannually. Reduce the interest• The National Night Out to hold their 2nd annual event on August 6th with a rain date of August 7th in Memorial Park.• The Community Leasing Partners agreement to purchase the new police car, from Kovatch, in the amount of $37,517.91 from the Costar Program.• Entech Engineers work order to renew the Sewer Plants DRBC Docket in the amount of $2,500.• Entech Engineers work order for the design, bidding, and services during the construction of the sanitary sewer modifications for the Route 903 Bridge relocation project in the amount of $19,950 (100 percent reimbursable by Penn DOT. Council will seek confirmation first.)In other news,• The borough received $5,000 from the County Commissioners for the Hotel Tax• The summer camp program will take in the park form June 17th to August 9th.• The JT Planning Commission submitted a revised version of the peddlers-vendor ordinance for council to review.• Judy Borger of Carbon County Planning and Development spoke to council about submitting the revisions for the Community Development Block Grant. The borough will be using $60,000 for the Penn Vest loan and $10,048 for HVAC unit upgrades for Memorial Hall. The total funds equal $70,048.Also, Council discussed having the Fourth of July festival held at Memorial Park on Saturday, July 6th. The festival would be sponsored by the American Legion.Last year the American Legion paid $600 to the borough for the use of the park.McGuire recommended that they charge the $600 for the use of the park again this year.Council discussed the Police Services Contract.The festival would utilize the police department to help direct traffic.Mayor Sofranko discussed residents concerns over the cost of events to the borough. The Police Services Contract is to help with that. The contract gets sent to everybody and the decision is up to council.McGuire made a motion for the American Legion to run the Fourth of July festival and the fee would be $600 for the park and waive the police services fee. The American Legion needs to sign the contract and carry the insurance liability. Miller seconded the motion. The motion was passed.It was also suggested that the American Legion could make a donation to help with the police services.The American Legion will handle the clean up.