Published May 01. 2013 05:04PM
Running on the Republican ballot for the position of Tax Collector in the Borough of Tamaqua is Tamaqua resident, Mrs. Pamela J. McCullion.
McCullion presently serves as secretary for the Tamaqua Borough Planning Commission and is also a voting member on the Planning Commission Board.She has worked as a real estate/legal assistant in a local law firm for over 18 years serving as office manager for 10 years. McCullion has also been a licensed notary public since 1998 and is a member of the National Notary Association. McCullion has expressed that she is a "hard working and dedicated person, who if elected, would serve the public to her fullest."She believes she possesses the qualities needed to do an "outstanding job" as Tax Collector and adds that she has extensive bookkeeping experience and is a "people person" who really enjoys working with the public.McCullion resides in the borough with her husband Larry, owner of L&S Electrical Construction Co. Inc., along with their son, Levi.If elected, McCullion would maintain her office in the downtown area convenient to all residents.
Pamela J. McCullion