Area men enter guilty pleas in Schuylkill
New Ringgold and New Philadelphia men, who pleaded guilty to criminal charges in Schuylkill County Court, were sentenced by Judge Cyrus M. Dolbin.
David T. Osenbach Jr., 31, of 12 Log Lane, New Ringgold, pleaded guilty to charges of receiving stolen property and criminal mischief and was sentenced to serve one to 24 months in the county prison and upon completion of his minimum sentence is eligible to be placed on parole. He was ordered to report to the county prison on Friday, May 24, at 10 a.m. to begin serving his sentence.Osenbach was charged by Trooper Melissa Kyser on Aug. 9, 2011, with removing tools from the J.C. Hill Tree Farm , located at the intersection of Dorset and Blue Mountain Drive, in West Penn Township. The court ordered he pay restitution of $184 to the tree farm. West Penn Patrolman Jason L. Lorah, on July 25, 2011, charged him with criminal mischief to property and was ordered to make restitution of $500.Marlin Ray Hosier, 52, of 323 Valley St., New Philadelphia, pleaded nolo contendre (no defense) to driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs and was sentenced to serve 72 hours to six months in the county prison, fined $1,000, pay $100 to the Substance Abuse Education (SAE) fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, $50 to Criminal Justice Enhancement Account (CJEA), $460 to Schuylkill Medical Center-South, attend the alcohol highway safety school and his driver's license is suspended 12 months.On charges of being involved in an accident on SR209 in East Norwegian Township on July 3, 2012, causing injury and damages must serve an additional 12 months on probation. Hosier was cited by Trooper Vincent A. LaSelva, Jr.Christina Yoza, 35, Shenandoah, also entered a guilty plea to the charge of giving false information to police about who was the owner of a pit bull and was placed on probation 12 months, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, a $50 bench warrant fee to the district attorney's office, and perform 10 hours of community service. Yoza was cited by Mahanoy City Lt. John Kaczmarczk, last June 22.Each defendant must also pay a $50 per month supervision fee while on probation or parole.Revoke ARDGerald Leonard Heffner, 49, of 21 E. Pine St., Sheppton, East Union Township, had his participation in the Accelerated Rehabilative Disposition (ARD) probation program terminated by Judge John E. Domalakes for violating conditions fixed by the court. He was placed in the program for 12 months last Feb. 2 and if he had successfully completed his sentence the DUI of alcohol charge would have been wiped off his record. Now his case has been returned to the criminal trial list for future prosecution. The ARD program is reserved for first offenders.Revoke probationAndrea J. Chando, 34. of 303 Mulberry St., Tuscarora, Schuylkill Township, had her probation revoked by Dolbin and she was re-sentenced on the charge of theft of leased property to serve three to 12 months in the county prison with credit for serving 45 days and must undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation.Chando entered a guilty plea to the charge for leasing a television set from Rent-A-Center, Hometown, and failed to keep up payments. She was cited by Rush Township Sgt. Duane Fredericks. She also must make restitution of $1,614.94.Shawn A. Lutz, 25, Shenandoah, had his probation revoked by Dolbin and he was re-sentenced on two counts of simple assault to serve nine to 24 months in a state correctional institution with credit for serving 38 days in the county prison.He had pleaded guilty last June 25 to assaulting personnel and a security guard in the Emergency Room at the Schuylkill Medical Center in Pottsville and had been placed on probation but he violated the terms set by the court.Revoke paroleJose Antonio Diaz-Vazquez, 38, Mahanoy City, had his parole revoked by Dolbin and he was remanded to the county prison to serve out his sentence and received no credit for 51 days of liberty. His maximum date for release from prison was extended to Feb. 18, 2014. He had pleaded guilty last Jan. 3 to possession of a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and was placed on parole.