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Tea party has patriotic theme

It may be early spring outside but in the Summit Hill Heritage Center the annual benefit tea party was more like the fourth of July as patrons enjoyed tea, sandwiches and a program of patriotic music performed by Peaceful Harmony on Sunday afternoon.

"We were pleased with the turnout and I think everyone had fun," said Center Secretary Andrea Mantz who organized the annual event this year. "The entertainment was wonderful and those who were not able to make it this year missed a great time."Heritage Center Vice President David Wargo welcomed everyone to the center and announced upcoming events including a free karaoke night on April 27th, the monthly flea market, open mike night and mentioned a special monthly comedy night beginning on June 14th. After the welcome, guests enjoyed a buffet table of sandwiches and goodies celebrating the Americana theme of the tea including pickles, pickled eggs and salads as well as an assortment of teas and desserts.As the guests dined, the musical entertainment of "Peaceful Harmony" under the direction of Jonathan Rodgers pleased their ears. The ensemble performed selections from the concert "Prayers for America" which was a musical celebration of America and its values written in response to the attacks on September 11, 2001. Rodgers said he also included by request a medley of George Cohan selections including "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "She's a Grand Old Flag"."Our group is assembled from various other organizations," Rodgers said, "but when we are together for this type of concert we call ourselves 'Peaceful Harmony'." Rodgers is the director of the Carbon-Schuylkill Community Theater who was one of the groups that comprise the ensemble along with some others.Members of the ensemble included singers Jake Tokosh, Katie Evans, Kim Klein, Lisa Hopstock, Shirley Rodgers, Kristen Zellner, Dru Laughman and tap dancers Brittany Sheidy, Brenda Fritzinger and Karen Kappes.The theater group will be performing on May 11th and 12th at the Heritage Center a Mother's Day program. For more information, Rodgers can be contacted at (570) 805-4711.

KATIE WARGO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Soloist Jake Tokosh of Peaceful Harmony accompanied by director Jonathan Rodgers on piano performs the patriotic Lee Greenwood standard "God Bless the USA" as part of the musical entertainment during the Americana Tea at the Summit Hill Heritage Center.