Published April 18. 2013 05:02PM
At 8 a.m., almost every inch surrounding the pond at the Kunkletown Rod and Gun Club in Kunkletown was occupied by children, parents, grandparents and onlookers on the first day of trout season, April 13.
It was also the Fishing Derby, open until noon to club members' children, who are 15 and under.Few, if any, walked away without their limit of three fish.Judging from the smiles, all walked away having had a good time and with a good memory.
LINDA KOEHLER/TIMES NEWS Evan Serfass, 3, was extremely proud of his catch, a beautiful 15-inch trout. His dad, Wayne Serfass of Kunkletown, enjoyed seeing his son's expression of pure joy when Evan realized he had a fish on his line and when he saw how big his fish was. "This is great for the kids," said the senior Serfass.