Published April 10. 2013 05:03PM
The next meeting of the Carbon County Central Labor Chapter will focus on reaching out to all segments of the community on behalf of working men and women.
The meeting will be held on Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. at the Democratic Information Center which is located at 110 S. First St., Lehighton (across from the Senior High Rise). Topics will include the pay of those that work at fast food establishments often for minimum wage. Also planned for discussion is the privatization of PA State Stores which will lead to more minimum wage employees as union jobs are turned into low wage/no benefit positions.All union members, active and retired, who live in Carbon County are invited to attend. The Labor Chapter speaks out for working men and women in Carbon County. For more information about the Labor Chapter call President Terry Whiteman at (610) 379-0162.