Published February 28. 2013 05:04PM
The Panther Valley Public Library, 117 E. Bertsch St., Lansford, has a lot happening in March.
• Peter Rabbit is hiding in the library:Children ages 2-6 are invited to visit the library weekly from March 1-28.They must find Peter Rabbit's hiding place and complete an entry form.All correct entries will be placed in a drawing to win Peter Rabbit and a story book.• Shoot for a pie in the sky contest:This program is for "tweens" ages 7-12 and teens ages 13-17.Visit the library weekly between March 1-28.Check out a book and read it.For each week a patron reads a book, he or she earns a coupon to enter a drawing for a free large pizza pie.• Income tax preparation help for seniors:Income tax preparation help for seniors 60 and over with no earned income will be available every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon through April 9.Call the library at (570) 645-3780 for an appointment.The library board reorganizes board members: officers Kathy Marek, president; Marlene Basiago, vice-president; Robert Silver, treasurer; Dawn Neyer, secretary. At-large board members are Patricia Ladick, Larry Marek, Nancy Meitzler, and Pete Bashago.