Published February 27. 2013 05:06PM
Karin Kraeutler, a dental assistant for the last 40 years, talked about the importance of good dental care at a recent dental health program at the Western Pocono Community Library. She talked about how important it is to brush, floss and see a dentist. Here she shows Vrzuly Pineda, 4; Gabriela Cuddy, 3; Asiah Roberson, 4; and Laila Bradley, 2; what different drinks can do to teeth. She had soaked hard-boiled eggs in coffee, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and vinegar. The eggs became discolored. But the one in the vinegar turned the hard shell into a soft gushy one. The drinks not only stain teeth, but the ones with sugar act like an acid that dissolves the enamel on teeth. Snacks that contain sugar do the same thing, which over time turns into plaque and eventually become cavities. She demonstrated how there are 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke. Acids and preservatives in soda can also play a part in eroding tooth enamel.