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Five plead guilty to drunk driving

Five motorists entered guilty pleas in Schuylkill County court to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs and were placed in a special probation program by President Judge William E. Baldwin.

Daniel D. Strenkoski, 51, Coal Township, was sentenced to serve 30 days in the county prison beginning Tuesday, Feb. 25, followed by four years and 11 days on probation in the Intermediate Punishment Program (IPP), including 90 days under house arrest with electronic monitoring and pay a $12 daily fee.He also was fined $1,500, pay $100 to Substance Abuse Education (SAE) fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, attend a alcohol highway safety school, complete intensive outpatient treatment, perform 30 hours community service, and driver's license suspended 18 months. For the first 12 months when the license is restored must install an ignition interlock on the wheel of his car which monitors alcohol intake by the driver.On summary charges of failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic and failing to drive at safe speed was fined $25 each plus $100 in costs. Strenkoski was cited by Trooper Todd Heitz when stopped on Heckscherville Road in Foster Township.Nikki Ann Dohner, 34, Schuylkill Haven, serve 30 days in the county prison beginning Friday, March 8, followed by four years and 11 months in the IPP, fined $1,500, pay $300 to SAE fund, $100 to Catastrophe fund, attend safety school, receive outpatient substance abuse treatment, pay $60 to Schuylkill Medical Center-S. Jackson St., Pottsville (SMC), perform 20 hours community service, license suspended 18 months, and install ignition interlock on car for 12 months when license restored. Dohner was cited by Trooper Mark W. Knock when stopped in Schuylkill Haven.Stacey Lee Lehman, 34, Auburn, placed in IPP for six months with 15 days under house arrest with electronic monitoring and pay a $12 daily fee. Also, fined $1,000, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, attend safety school, received outpatient substance abuse treatment, pay $60 to SCM-South, perform 20 hours of community service, and submit to random urine screens.On a charge of possession of drug paraphernalia must serve an additional 12 months on probation. Lehman was cited by Orwigsburg Patrolman Brandon K. Bayer.Paul Daniel Swinesburg, 29, Hazleton, placed in IPP six months with 15 days under house arrest with electronic monitoring and pay a $12 daily fee, fined $1,000, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, pay $60 to SCM-South, attend safety school, and driver's license suspended 12 months.On a summary charge of failing to obey a traffic signal was fined $25 plus $50 costs. He was cited by McAdoo Patrolman James Patterson.John Lester Zimmerman, 23, Cressona, sentenced to serve 10 days in the county prison beginning Friday, Feb. 22, followed by five months and 20 days in the IPP, fined $750, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, receive outpatient substance abuse treatment, attend safety school, pay $60 to SCM-South, perform 20 hours community service and when license restored place ignition interlock on steering wheel for 12 months. He was cited by Schuylkill Haven Patrolman Gregory S. Meisner.