Published February 23. 2013 09:01AM
Michael Miller, 43, of 120 W. Fell St., Summit Hill, faces charges from an incident which took place on Jan. 1 at Abbott and Springgarden streets, Lansford. Charges of possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and public drunkenness were filed by Officer Jason Helmer.
According to an affidavit of probable cause, here's what happened:At 5:10 p.m. Jan. 1, Helmer, on patrol on Springgarden Street near Abbott Street, saw a man stagger into traffic, trying to hitch a ride. The man was creating a traffic hazard and clearly endangering himself. Upon making contact, the man identified himself as Miller. Helmer noticed his speech was slurred, his eyes were red and glassy, he was having trouble maintaining his balance, and his breath smelled of alcohol.Miller said he'd drunk several glasses of chardonnay and was intoxicated. He asked Helmer for a ride home. Helmer noticed Miller's pockets were bulging, and asked if he had any weapons or contraband."No sir," Miller replied.Helmer patted him down, and felt a cylindrical object that felt like a bowl pipe, used for smoking marijuana, in a pocket. It turned out to be just that, and contained burnt residue that smelled of marijuana."Oh, I forgot about that," Miller said.He was arrested and read his Miranda warnings. Miller was taken to the police station, where he told police he had found the pipe and marijuana, and decided to use them. He declined to give a written statement. His portable breath test results were 0.99 percent.