Schuylkill court news
File for divorce
Jesse L. Ansbach, 410 E. Union St., Tamaqua, filed suit for divorce from Judith Vacula Ansbach, 523 Washington St., Tamaqua. They were married Feb. 28, 2008.Robert S: Pickford, 211 Pine St., Tamaqua, started a divorce action against Maureen E. Pickford, 524 Arlington St., Tamaqua. They were married Oct. 9, 1993.Divorces grantedApril P. Beck, no address, was granted a divorce from Daniel Beck, 1382 Packerton Dam Drive, Lehighton. They were married April 11, 2009.Cory L. Laguna, Schuylkil Haven, was granted a divorce from Cory L. Laguna, Taunton, Mass. They were married Aug. 22, 2006.Amanda E. Richards, Hegins, was granted a divorce from Jeremy D. Richards, Valley View. They were married Nov. 25, 2000.Rebecca R.Valukevich, 314 S. Third St., Saint Clair, was granted a divorce from Jeremy P. Valukevich, 325 Washington St., Minersville. They were married June 8, 2002Lewis W. Jones, Ringtown, was granted a divorce from Janice Jones, 68 Pumphouse Lane, Ringtown. They were married April 7, 2000.Seek back taxesTamaqua Area School District filed a suit against Charles T. and Joann Rodgers, of 209 Orwigsburg, to enter a claim for back school taxes on their property at 300 Spruce St., Tamaqua, claiming $300 is owed; and on a property at 218 Penn St., Tamaqua, claiming $882.36 is owed.Panther Valley Schol District filed suit to enter a claim against John E. and Joyce Colburn in the amount of $1,197.81 on a property at 236 Coal St., Coaldale.Jury trialHanif Chamber, 31, an inmate at the state correctional institution in Ryan Township was found guilty by a jury of charges of aggravated harassment by a prisoner and disorderly conduct which occurred in the area of the officer's station in the prison against Correctional Officer Sgt. Broam Gower. Judge Charles M. Miller set the date for sentencing for Monday, March 18, and ordered a pre-sentence investigative report prepared by the adult probation department.No defenseMarlin Ray Hosier, 52, of 323 Valley St., New Philadelphia, entered a general plea of nollo contendre to charges of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs, being involved in an accident causing injuries, and being involved in an accident on SR209 (Austin Drive), East Norwegian Township, last July 3.Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin accepted the guilty plea and fixed date of sentencing on Wednesday, April 3. Hosier was cited by Trooper Vincent A. LaSelva Jr.