Inspectors, judges of elections positions are open in Carbon
(Editor's Note: In an effort to inform our readers of various governmental offices that are subject to election/re-election in 2013, this is the fifth of a five-part series to relating to the election process.)
Judges of elections and inspectors of elections, who are the familiar faces persons usually see when they go to the voting precincts each year, are elected positions that are subject to the 2013 balloting.Judges of elections are the persons in charge of the conduct inside voting polls. They oversee the daylong balloting process and are paid $195 per day for their services.Meanwhile, there are actually two inspectors of elections in each of the county's 51 precincts, one from each major party. They are paid $140 per day.Besides the elected judge and inspectors, other "clerks," which are non-elected positions, are hired by the county to work on the elections days.Because not all of the elected positions are filled in every voting district, the county elections board has to appoint persons to act in those capacities, which has prompted the county to remind residents there is often a need for persons to work election day.The following positions are set to expire and are subject to election in 2013:Banks Township, District 4 - Joseph Clark, judge of elections; and Gloria Dercole and Theresa Shott, inspectors of elections.Beaver Meadows, District 5 - John Tranguch, judge of elections; and two inspector of elections positions are not filled.Bowmanstown, District 6 - Paulette Keiper, judge of elections; Sandra Kuntz, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.East Penn Township, District 7 - Candy Everett, judge of elections; Faith Beck, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.East Penn Township, District 8 - Kimberly Nothstein, judge of elections; and Mary Ellen Truhe and Michael Bench, inspectors of elections.East Side Boro, District 10 - Sharon Mrozinski, judge of elections; Helen Jones, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Franklin Township, District 11 - Robert Jay Hoffman, judge of elections; and Carol Kuehner and Maureen Markley, inspectors of elections.Franklin Township, District 12 - Ann Shoenberger and Betty Wolfe, inspectors of elections; and the judge of elections position is not filled.Franklin Township, District 13 - Stacey Sheckler, judge of elections; Shawn Sheckler, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Jim Thorpe, District 14 - Amanda Freeby, judge of elections; and Margaret Sterner and Adell Rosick, inspectors of elections.Jim Thorpe, District 15 - Christine Kibler, judge of elections; Marilee McFarland, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Jim Thorpe, District 16 - Karen Lauth, judge of elections; Sara Solt, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Jim Thorpe, District 17 - Steve Perdie and Doren Prdie, inspectors of elections; and the judge of elections position is not filled.Jim Thorpe, District 18 - Edith Crossin, judge of elections; Mary Strohl, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Kidder Township, District 20 - Kathleen Spolowich, judge of elections; and Sharon Roegge and Georgia McCluskey, inspectors of elections.Kidder Township, District 21 - Marjorie Craig, judge of elections; Mary Farnschlader, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Lansford, District 23 - Frances Barno and Lee Labosky, inspectors of elections; and the judge of elections position is not filled.Lansford, District 24 - Sandra Delpero, judge of elections; Doreen Giordano, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Lansford, District 25 - the judge of elections and two inspectors of elections positions are not filled.Lausanne Township, District 26 - Mary Romanek, judge of elections; and Dolores Surochak and Helen Vishnesky, inspectors of elections.Lehigh Township, District 27 - Larry Skinner, judge of elections; and Sharlene Strauss and Barbara Tissier, inspectors of elections.Lehighton, District 28 - Wendy Wentz, judge of elections; Marie Frable, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Lehighton, District 29 - Antoinette Greek, inspector of elections; and the judge of elections and one inspector of elections positions are not filled.Lehighton, District 30 - Geraldine Haas, inspector of elections; and the judge of elections and one inspector of elections positions are not filled.Lower Towamensing Township, District 32 - Midge Klotz, judge of elections; Joseph Germy, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Lower Towamensing Township, District 33 - Stacey Arthur, judge of elections; and Louise Koons and Marie Dieter, inspector of elections.Mahoning Township, District 35 - Sandra Putkowski, judge of elections; Joann Hawk, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Mahoning Township, District 36 - Joyce Walters, judge of elections; and Nancy Pollock and Ellen Durigan, inspectors of elections.Mahoning Township, District 38 - Marie Klotz, judge of elections; and Kathleen Haldeman and Marian Ahner, inspectors of elections.Nesquehoning, District 41 - Elaine Greek, judge of elections; Marion Tyahla, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Nesquehoning, District 42 - Mary Alice Jacobs, judge of elections; Anna Kmetz, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Packer Township, District 45 - John Walters, judge of elections; Eleanor Walters, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Palmerton, District 47 - Alice Henning, inspector of elections; and the judge of elections and one inspector of elections positions are not filled.Palmerton, District 48 - Sarina Berlow, judge of elections; and Lisa Snell Kern and Bernard Berlow, inspectors of elections.Palmerton, District 49 - the judge of elections and two inspectors of elections positions are not filled.Parryville, District 50 - Lamont Sherer, judge of elections; and Ellen Fink and Lester Greenzweig, inspectors of elections.Penn Forest Township, District 51-1 - Meg Rusbarsky, judge of elections; and the two inspectors of elections positions are not filled.Penn Forest Township, District 51-2 - Alfred Feuerstein, inspector of elections; and the judge of elections and one inspector of elections positions are not filled.Penn Forest Township, District 51-3 - Robert Steiger, judge of elections; Julia Steiger, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Penn Forest Township, District 51-4 - John Danchak, judge of elections; and Donna Danchak and Dolores Cosgrove, inspectors of elections.Penn Forest Township, District 51-5 - Robert Savino, judge of elections; and Barbara Savino and Glenn Bachman, inspectors of elections.Summit Hill, District 52 - Sheryl Ann Radocha, judge of elections; and Barbara Shelton and Harmony Smith, inspectors of elections.Summit Hill, District 53 - Joseph O'Gurek Jr., judge of elections; and Aurelia DeMatto and Marie Dunn, inspectors of elections.Summit Hill, District 54 - Faith Masayda, judge of elections; and James Kozuch and Susan Colancecco, inspectors of elections.Summit Hill, District 55 - Mary Ann Eickhoff, judge of elections; Teresa Grosso, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Towamensing Township, District 56 - Helen Christman, judge of elections; and Ricky Waibel and Wendy Hopple, inspectors of elections.Towamensing Township, District 57-1 - Joe Concillio, inspector of elections; and the judge of elections and one inspector of elections positions are not filled.Towamensing Township, District 57-2 - Natalie Kleintop, judge of elections; and Carolyn Andrews and Mary Ann Shafer, inspectors of elections.Weatherly, District 58 - Mildred Selert, judge of elections; and Theresa D'Andrea and Virginia Houser, inspectors of elections.Weatherly, District 61 - Linda Jemo, judge of elections; Ruth Sabol, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.Weissport, District 62 - Lynette Moyer, judge of elections; Linda Schoenberger, inspector of elections; and one inspector of elections position is not filled.