Chestnuthill column
Derby winners
The annual Pinewood Derby for Scouts from Cub Scout Pack 98, Brodheadsville, was held recently.Cubs voted in several categories to acknowledge hard work that had been put into designing their wooden derby cars, including: best paint job, sportiest, most Scout spirit and most realistic.Participants raced by rank, each receiving a patch and certificate. Winners of each rank who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd, also received medals and trophies. The race results are: Tiger - 1st, Carter Salzman; 2nd, Aiden Fava; 3rd, Jacob Kresge; Wolf - 1st, Nathan Calhoun; 2nd, Mario Mondillo; 3rd, Gavin Gavin; Bear - 1st, Ryan Bonser; 2nd, Austin Brush; 3rd, Elijah Heckman; Webelos I - 1st, Alec Shonk; 2nd, Christopher Lopez; 3rd, Justin Shonk; Webelos II - 1st, William Chechel; 2nd, David Frantz; 3rd, Peter Krammer.Derby Finals winner received a mess kit: 1st, William Chechel - Webelos II; 2nd, Carter Salzman - Tiger; and 3rd Alec Shonk - Webelos I.For more information about the pack, contact committee Chairman Brian Shonk at for GloryThis group at Effort UMC has reorganized and is meeting again. The next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 21, instead of its regular meeting day, the second Thursday of the month, because of Valentine's Day.Master Gardener Julie Foley is chairing the group.Upcoming meetings will be March 14 and April 11.Lenten timeOur Lady Queen of Peace Church will hold its Lenten services, featuring an innovative program consisting of a meal, worship through prayer and music, and a teaching DVD followed by small group discussion from 6:15 to 8:45 p.m. on Feb. 20 and 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27.Saturday, March 23, is set aside for a retreat day with two talks. The day will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.To register for this no-cost event contact Marge McCauley at (570) 977-7784; email; or return a registration form to the collection basket, office, or registration box in the atrium.Storybook TheatreOn Feb. 16-17 at noon, Western Pocono Community Library's The Storybook Theatre will perform its adaptation of the "Wizard of Oz" called "To Oz!"Pine cone feedersThe West End Park & Open Space Commission will provide everything needed to make pine cone bird feeders on Saturday, Feb. 16 at the Chestnuthill Park, Brodheadsville from 10 a.m. until noon. The program is free and fitting for all ages.PVMS Builders ClubNow through Feb. 25, the PVMS Builders Club is holding a food drive to benefit the PVEN. Folks who are attending the PVSD Unity Night are encouraged to bring a food donation (no glass items) to add to the districtwide collection that will benefit West End families in need.Winning school homerooms will be recognized by the school PTO and listed at the event.Ash WednesdayZion Lutheran Church, Brodheadsville, will hold its Ash Wednesday service from 6-7:30 this evening. It begins with a bread and soup supper and will include the imposition of ashes and the Sacrament of Holy Communion.PV BoardThe Pleasant Valley Board of Education will meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, in the District Office in Brodheadsville.Monroe SeniorsZion Lutheran Church's Fellowship Hall is the site for the West End meeting of the Monroe Seniors. The group gathers at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays.Stations of the CrossOur Lady Queen of Peace will celebrate the Stations of the Cross on Friday, beginning at 7 p.m., Feb. 15.Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 8 a.m.Pothole newsMotorists may call (570) 992-7247 ext. 23 to report a pothole in Chestnuthill Township.Blue & GoldPack 98 Cub Scouts will gather for their annual Blue and Gold Banquet on Feb. 23 at the Pleasant Valley Elementary School. It will be a time to celebrate Scouts' achievements as well as the Webelos II crossing over to Boy Scouts. A meal and entertainment is planned, with the Pack's congratulations going to Den 7 on their journey into Boy Scouts.West End RepublicansThe next regular meeting of the West End Republican Club will be 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26 at Luna Rossa Restaurant, Route 209 South. An optional dinner is held at 6 p.m.Paper shreddingChestnuthill Township offers free paper shredding services for all residents of the township for any "paper document or mail which contains personal information." The service is offered at the Chestnuthill Township Recycling Center off Hillcrest Drive Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. if the individual uses the drop-off box in the recycling center. If one needs a certificate of destruction one must go Wednesdays from 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.For additional information, call the center at (570) 992-7247.