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Snow parking regulations reviewed

During the regular monthly meeting of the Nesquehoning Borough Council last night, council members reviewed the parking details for snow removal days.

There is to be no parking on snow days on the south side of Ridge, High, Railroad, Mill and Rhume streets; Columbus, Garibaldi and Diaz Avenues, as well as Willow, Catawissa and Center streets.There is also no parking on the north side of Coal Street or on the 200-400 block of E. Railroad Street, and on the west side of Mermon to Panther Valley School.After one side of the street is plowed, residents are asked to move their vehicles to facilitate plowing of the opposite side of the street the next day.Residents in the Estates are asked, if possible, to park in their driveways to facilitate snow removal.Failure to abide by the snow removal parking schedule will result in ticketing.Fire Chief John McArdle also requested that residents remember to clear the area of snow around all fire hydrants to provide swift and complete access to the hydrants in the event of a fire.In other business, McArdle also announced that the next Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) will begin on April 8, and will be held over three Mondays. He encouraged council members and all residents to register to attend. CERT training is designed to prepare citizens to help themselves, friends, family and people in their community in the event of a catastrophic disaster.Councilman Robert Marouchoc reported that the Public Safety committee has revised the procedure on issuing citations for excessive false alarms and will notify excessive violators on the new procedures. Code enforcement will follow up on violations.Council approved the hiring of Michael R. O'Campo and Brett Slivak as part-time workers in the sanitation department.Councilman Mark Stromelo reminded residents that they are no longer permitted to dispose of electronics with their garbage.Residents are encouraged to contact Tamaqua Transfer for information on how to properly dispose of their unwanted electronics.Panther Creek will begin to haul truckloads of coal on Saturdays for the next two months in order to maintain an adequate supply during repairs to the railroad crossing.Councilman Maruchoc will address the ash dirt left on the roadway by their trucks in an upcoming meeting.The following reappointments were made: William D. Hausman to the Nesquehoning Water Authority and Brior Environmental as the sewage enforcement officer.Councilwoman Mary Fox announced that while there will be no major work performed on the sewer system this year, the issue of water infiltration into the system will be addressed. There have been instances of high flow that need to be identified and corrected.On April 27, Girl Scout troops will be cleaning area parks in the borough in recognition of Earth Day which is celebrated on April 22.The new fee schedule for private rental of the Nesquehoning Recreation Center is a $25 reservation fee and $25 per hour.