'Show and Tell' day held by Palmerton Area Historical Society
George Ashman and Jane Borbe each reported an interesting acquisition at the Jan. 14 meeting of the Palmerton Area Historical Society.
Ashman said David Snyder, son of Richard Snyder, provided some of the scripts written by Richard in the early days of Channel 13."We could not have gotten them anywhere else," Ashman said.Borbe had a picture Warren Siegmond made of the Little White Church and a framed poem about the sounds of yesterday. Both will hang in the church. There will be a dedication in May.The church roof has been inspected and slates replaced as needed. Twelve-year-old Angelina Rex provided a red, white and blue snowflake to be included in the patriotic decorations for the Christmas ecumenical service. Two hundred people visited during the Concourse Club house tour which included the church.Pins and books from the Veterans' Memorial dedication are available at the Heritage Center, as well as the "Holiday Memories" book.Borbe presented the first item in the annual show and tell program. She had about a two-yard loop of fiber. It was a watch chain and came with a note: "Dear Robert, Grandpa wanted you to have this." It was Grandpa's watch chain made of hair. She also had a funeral invitation edged in black from a funeral director which had been sent to John Brader.Mary Kocher had a double piece of wire in a U shape ending with a figurehead. She did not know what it was. One person said the figure looked like Humpty Dumpty.Mary Tashler passed around a miniature Roman chariot. It was a cigarette holder from the 1940s. She also had a small milk bottle of the kind used in school."We took turns being on milk duty. We took it around to the various classes and left it at the door," she said. A bottle of milk cost three cents. A cased picture from 1861 also held a love note. It was "a token of his love" on May 8, 1861.Betsy Burnhauser had a string holder from a store. Purchases were wrapped in a bundle and tied rather than bagged.Lucille Rex had both a regular size meat grinder and a small one. She uses the small one to grind nuts "almost into a powder." It was one of the few items saved from a fire on the family homestead and was found in the yard after the fire. Borbe used a grinder like the large-size one to make hash.Shirley Wagner had a bottle with a spout. It was used to put oil into a car. The bottle was filled from a large container. It bears a 1922 patent date. The Wagners had bought a house and found it lying on the garage floor.Marion Bossard displayed a decorative shoehorn brought home from Bangkok by her son.Marlene Greenwood had a piece of wood with many slots cut in it. It was used to make pompoms or fluff rugs which were made in Shelby, N.C.A wagon or carriage jack was presented by Carol Stefanik.Her grandmother's coffee grinder was shown by Perma Borger. She digressed, saying she went to the Reformed Sunday School on Columbia Avenue. It had begun as a chapel. They drank untested water from a spring in the basement. The Sunday School was a lot of fun, and was where she met her husband.Jim Burnhauser had a carpet tack remover from the days when carpets were nailed to the floor.George Ashman, instead of a thing, had trivia from comic strips. From "Bringing Up Father" he asked what Jiggs' favorite meal was corned beef and cabbage. "Blondie's" first baby was Baby Dumpling who never grew up. Later children Alexander and Cookie did age. The people in "Gasoline Alley" aged over the lifetime of the comic strip.Ashman said he and his young friends toured the neighborhood because different people received different papers with different comic strips and they wanted to see them all.Borbe showed some additional items such as a bootjack that, when folded, looked like a gun and she had a bullet mold. Among her mother's things was a July 3, 1923, second prize certificate for a 50-yard potato race.A man presented a minutes book from Lower Towamensing schools with a special meeting so interesting that Burnhauser read part of it. It showed when the various schools were built and that the bell at Delaware School was bought from Sears Roebuck.Kocher told about some of her memories of days gone by. She came to Palmerton on the train in 1946 and the first thing they saw was the Greek church on the hill.