Published January 15. 2013 05:01PM
There were no surprises in leadership in Mahoning Township as the board reorganized last Monday.
During a one hour meeting, John Wieczorek, chairperson; and Franklin Ruch, vice chairperson, were reelected by unanimous 4-0 votes. Secretary-Treasurer Natalie Haggerty was also reappointed to her post by unanimous vote.This is Wieczorek's fourth term as chairperson of the board and Ruch's third term as vice chairperson. Both had no opposition during the reorganization meeting.Also reappointed unanimously was part-time clerk Kerry Verrastro to work with Haggerty in the township office.Other officers unanimously appointed included Solicitor Tom Nanovic, Township Engineer Tim Edinger, T&M Associates, Zoning Officer Leroy Leibenguth, Encroachment Officer Ronald Reeser, Sewage Enforcement Officer Scott Bieber, Emergency Management Coordinator Debra Binder, Vacancy Board Chairperson Eugene Durigan, Planning Commission Member Brad Christman, Code Inspector Carl Faust and Planning Commission solicitor Nanovic Law Offices. Strubinger and Gazo Law Offices was appointed as the Zoning Board solicitor.Wieczorek and Supervisor Linda Benner were reappointed to oversee the Police Department while Supervisors Ruch and Bruce Steigerwalt oversee the Roads Department. Steigerwalt was appointed to the Lehigh Canal Recreation Commission. Benner was appointed to the Carbon County Home Health Care Advisory Board. Ruch was appointed as the PSATS delegate.In addition to appointments, supervisors unanimously adopted the following resolutions:• Zoning board fee schedule• Planning commission fee schedule• Building permit fee schedule• Sewage permits and suitability testing fee schedule.• Zoning permit fee schedule• Appointment of auditing firm Kirk, Summa and Co.• Agreements with Mahoning Valley Fire Company and Ambulance Association for workman compensation provisions.• Building Inspection fee schedule.