Published January 12. 2013 09:05AM
David Harleman was re-elected chairman of the Lehighton Water Authoirty for 2013.
Other officers are Lamont Ebbert, vice chairman; Carlos Teets, secretary; William Howland, treasurer, and Richard Barclay, assistant treasurer.Teets also serves as manager and public relations director.Armando Galasso II is superintendent. Patrick Mriss was renamed assistant superintendent.Nicole Nothstein is the adminstrative secretary.Attorney Jenny Cheng was reappointed solicitor.The authority's engineer is Gannett Fleming Inc.Buckno Lisicky & Company was hired as the authority's auditors.Seltzer Insurance Group is the insurance agent.The authority meets the first Wednesday after the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Lehighton Municipal Building.The next meeting of the authority is Feb. 6.