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Franklin Township adopts 2013 budget with no tax increase

Franklin Township supervisors recently adopted the 2013 budget with no tax increase.

The tax rate for general purposes will remain at 6.3 mills or 63 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation. A home valued at $80,000 will continue to pay $504 in real estate taxes to the township.There will also not be any increase in garbage fees. Annual garbage collection costs will continue to be $225 per household and $160 for seniors or seasonals. If paid by Feb. 28, 2013, residents will see discounts of $215 for regular customers and $150 for seniors and seasonals.Taxpayers did not see a tax increase since the 2010 budget. Supervisors were able to hold off on an increase for 2013 despite rising costs.In 2013, the township anticipates $4,119,661 in revenues, with $1,178,470 anticipated from taxes. Other income will come from licenses and permits, $$1,070; fines, $40,000; interest, $3,633; intergovernmental revenue, $236,059; charges for services, $910,890; other financing sources, $76,000; and $1,673,339 in assets.Expenditures include, general government, $238,188; police, $689,278; health and welfare, $534; sanitation, $694,293; roads, $583,843; recreation, $32,842; conservation and development, $250; debt services, $140,891; miscellaneous expenses, $54,950; other financing uses, $55,000; and assets, $1,584,592.In other business, the township secretary, Sandra Gaumer, announced there were no changes in garbage collection dates due to the New Year's holiday.Christmas trees can be disposed at the Phifer Ice Dam Park using the Penn Street entrance beginning Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2013.Levine's Junkyard applied for a junkyard permit but supervisors tabled the request until additional cleanup takes place.Franklin Township supervisors accepted a letter of resignation from township supervisor Larry Smith at the Dec. 18 township meeting. Smith has served as a township supervisor since Jan. 7, 2002. Smith passed away on Dec. 23.Supervisors will be seeking applicants for the vacant seat for a one-year term. The seat will be up for election in 2013.