Published December 26. 2012 05:02PM
Carbon Career & Technical Institute and the LCCC SHINE Afterschool program want students to know the importance of making healthy choices and exercising.
Recently, the Jim Thorpe based school began a fitness initiative as a way to challenge students to get up and move.Rebecca Schaeffer, CCTI's school nurse and an organizer of the initiative, explained that she contacted Rachel Strucko, the coordinator of the SHINE Career Academy, and asked if the two programs could partner the program.Through the SHINE program, six activities for CCTI students have been scheduled.To date, a flag football game and a dance-a-thon have been held.The events, which are held after school, are open to all CCTI students. Transportation home; as well as a healthy meal is provided through the SHINE program.Strucko said the main goal is "We want the student to not think of this as exercise, but more of a lifestyle change. Incorporating physical activity into their daily routines will only prove beneficial throughout their lives."Last week, the dance-a-thon was held and nearly 50 students gathered to dance their heart out to various styles of music provided by DJ Dustin Kresge.
AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS CCTI students, from left, Katarina Kattner, Katie Pickrell, Lauren Pickrell, and Gabrielle Achtermann, take a few moments from dancing during last week's dance-a-thon to pose for a photo. The girls are also very familiar with the SHINE Afterschool program as all are high school helpers for the SHINE Career Academy for sixth through eighth grade students in Carbon County.